Friday, April 24, 2020
The cheese production technology free essay sample
Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University Foreign Language Chair Work paper The cheese production engineering Fulfilled by pupil: Istratova.D.S Group T-23 Checked by: Golovushina Y.A Krasnoyarsk 2010 Content: 1. Introduction: the feature of cheese and short categorization 2. Secrets of industry of cheese 3. The first measure in # 1089 ; # 1099 ; # 1088 ; # 1086 ; # 1074 ; # 1072 ; # 1088 ; # 1077 ; # 1085 ; # 1080 ; # 1080 ; 3.1 Preparation of milk 3.2 # 1057 ; urdling 4. Cheese response 4.1 Cheese takes the signifier 4.2 Salt for the assistance to utile microflora and gustatory sensation 5. Cheese maturating 6. Decision Introduction # 8211 ; the feature of object of research and short categorization. Cheese # 8211 ; one of the most alimentary and high-calorie grocery. His nutritionary value is caused by high concentration of fibre and fat, presence of unreplaceable amino acids, vitamins, salts of Ca and the P necessary for normal development of a human organic structure. Cheese is utile to people of any age and particularly for kids. In cheese contains from 18 to 25 % of fibre, and his considerable portion is in the soluble signifier, therefore is good acquired by an being. We will write a custom essay sample on The cheese production technology or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In solid of many sorts of cheeses 45-55 % of fat, from 1,5 to 3,5 % of mineral salts contain. Caloric content of cheese fluctuates from 2500 to 4500 Calories. The care of vitamins in mature cheeses ( in 100 # 1075 ; cheese ) makes mkg: vitamin A # 8211 ; 600-1300, # 1042 ; 1 # 8211 ; 40-80, # 1042 ; 2 # 8211 ; 300-900, # 1056 ; # 1056 ; # 8211 ; 20-40. 2. Secrets of industry of cheese Ancient Roman agriculturist Lutsy Kolumella named laminitiss of cheese prestidigitators and aces. Remarkable transmutations which occur at cheese readying. # 1057 ; # 1099 ; # 1088 ; # 1086 ; # 1076 ; # 1077 ; # 1083 ; # 1091 ; it is non necessary to take natural stuffs from which to do cheese, he uses merely one sort of natural stuffs milk, and receives 10s sorts of the cheese, differing both gustatory sensation and a consistency and drawing. The individual, is a batch of centuries back casually found out in a tummy of the killed calf the curtailed milk, for the first clip has touched secrets # 1089 ; # 1099 ; # 1088 ; # 1086 ; # 1076 ; # 1077 ; # 1083 ; # 1080 ; # 1103 ; . Subsequently it was found out that one of four sections of a tummy of a calf or a lamb allocates abomasum enzyme which curtails milk, decomposes fibres. This natural phenomenon, every bit good as others, people have placed of themselves in the service. Now from # 1089 ; # 1099 ; # 1095 ; # 1091 ; # 1075 ; # 1086 ; # 1074 ; fix a readying named rennet enzyme. Long clip was considered that debut rennet enzyme in milk is chief, if non the alone ground of his transmutation into qualitatively new merchandise. And merely after the individual has learnt a microcosm, the miracle function in creative activity of cheese of specific species of micro-organisms lactic bacterium has been revealed. Opinion of scientists converge that these bacteriums and their enzymes act upon the chief thing on procedure of industry of cheese enduring many yearss. And at the same clip to research workers all new parties influence rennet enzyme unfastened, the function of enzymes of the milk, their actions interconnected with lactic bacteriums comes to visible radiation. 3. The first measure in cheese cookery 3.1 Preparation of milk On # 1089 ; # 1099 ; # 1088 ; # 1086 ; # 1076 ; # 1077 ; # 1083 ; # 1100 ; # 1085 ; # 1086 ; # 1084 ; mill the armored combat vehicle with an lettering Milk which has merely arrived, foremost of all is met by the laboratorian, he selects trials of milk for definition of his gustatory sensation and a odor, a consistency, temperatures, sournesss, cleanliness, fat contents etc. Periodically on # 1089 ; # 1099 ; # 1088 ; # 1086 ; # 1076 ; # 1077 ; # 1083 ; # 1100 ; # 1085 ; # 1086 ; # 1084 ; mill define as grade of bacterial security of milk, construction of microflora being in her, his ability to be curtailed # 1089 ; # 1099 ; # 1095 ; # 1091 ; # 1078 ; # 1085 ; # 1099 ; # 1084 ; enzyme. Happens so from milk, seemingly, normal on basic indexs, difficultly, and sometimes non likely to develop good cheese if in him many harmful micro-organisms or it is severely curtailed # 1089 ; # 1099 ; # 1095 ; # 1091 ; # 1078 ; # 1085 ; # 1099 ; # 1084 ; by enzyme. For development of standard cheese on a chemical compound, milk normalise under the fat care, preliminary holding assorted from 15-20 % of mature milk for betterment of quality of cheese. Maturing of a portion of milk spend at temperature 8-17 C, before acidity addition on 1 T. Zatem milk pasteurise at temperature 71-74 C with endurance 20-25 # 1057 ; , and cool to temperature # 1079 ; # 1072 ; # 1082 ; # 1074 ; # 1072 ; # 1096 ; # 1080 ; # 1074 ; # 1072 ; # 1085 ; # 1080 ; # 1103 ; . It creates conditions for the farther normal ability to populate of utile microflora lactic bacteriums. # 171 ; Cheese-it the matured milk # 187 ; was written in 1937 # 1075 ; # 1086 ; # 1076 ; # 1091 ; by Englishman Edward Bjunard. The writer in this instance supposes certain poetic license, and is more exact, cheese is formed of dense atoms which appear in milk in procedure of his maturing. This maturating fast to what velocity from which fresh milk turns rancid testifies. # 1057 ; # 1099 ; # 1088 ; # 1086 ; # 1074 ; # 1072 ; # 1088 ; # 1077 ; # 1085 ; # 1080 ; # 1077 ; is a manner of monitoring and alteration of procedure for the intent of response of the merchandise capable to maturating alternatively of simple decomposition. 3.2 Stvorazhivanie In # 1089 ; # 1099 ; # 1088 ; # 1086 ; # 1076 ; # 1077 ; # 1083 ; # 1100 ; # 1085 ; # 1091 ; # 1102 ; a bath filled with milk bring agitation is a pleasant drink, reasonably heavy, with pure sour-milk gustatory sensation and the olfactory property, reminding the rancid pick, filled with lactic bacteriums. In agitation the measure of lactic bacteriums reaches 100s 1000000s in one milliliter. Having got to the favourable environment ( warm milk ) , bacteria get down the chief procedure # 1089 ; # 1099 ; # 1088 ; # 1086 ; # 1076 ; # 1077 ; # 1083 ; # 1100 ; # 1085 ; # 1086 ; # 1075 ; # 1086 ; manufactures lactic agitation. Following phase is come ining into milk # 1089 ; # 1099 ; # 1095 ; # 1091 ; # 1078 ; # 1085 ; # 1086 ; # 1075 ; # 1086 ; enzyme. In # 1089 ; # 1099 ; # 1088 ; # 1086 ; # 1076 ; # 1077 ; # 1083 ; # 1100 ; # 1085 ; # 1086 ; # 1081 ; to a bath of 5 dozenss of milk, and conveying merely nearby 100 gm # 1089 ; # 1099 ; # 1095 ; # 1091 ; # 1078 ; # 1085 ; # 1086 ; # 1075 ; # 1086 ; enzyme in a solution. One portion of enzyme on 50000 parts of milk, through 5-10 # 1084 ; # 1080 ; # 1085 ; # 1091 ; # 1090 ; all milk starts to acquire thick rapidly. Besides the soft coagulum bit by bit condensed is shortly formed. It occurs division of milk into soft pieces of bungalow cheese and liquid whey. If about through 30-40 # 1084 ; # 1080 ; # 1085 ; # 1091 ; # 1090 ; to come in into him # 1096 ; # 1087 ; # 1072 ; # 1090 ; # 1077 ; # 1083 ; # 1100 ; ( a particular metal home base ) , he in this topographic point as though interruptions up, baring equal # 1092 ; # 1072 ; # 1088 ; # 1092 ; # 1086 ; # 1088 ; # 1086 ; # 1074 ; # 1080 ; # 1076 ; # 1085 ; # 1099 ; # 1077 ; borders and crystalline greenish whey which consists of assorted proteins, sugar, minerals and H2O. Better to state, # 1089 ; # 1090 ; # 1074 ; # 1086 ; # 1088 ; # 1072 ; # 1078 ; # 1080 ; # 1074 ; # 1072 ; # 1085 ; # 1080 ; # 1077 ; is a procedure at which there is a reproduction of certain bacteriums present at rough milk ; these are the alleged lactic bacteriums capable without aid to distill casein ( the chief dairy fibre ) . But at milk pasteurization ( fast warming to 70 # 1057 ; ) are killed non merely harmful bacteriums, but besides utile. To assist procedure à ±Ãƒ »Ãƒ °Ãƒ ®Ãƒ ®Ãƒ ¡Ãƒ °Ãƒ à §Ãƒ ®Ãƒ ¢Ãƒ à à ¨Ãƒ ¿ , one more constituent is added. It is the sychug-extract received from a tummy of dairy calfs and applied in a sort à ¿Ãƒ à ²Ãƒ à °Ãƒ à ® of the painted liquid or in the dehydrated signifier ( a pulverization or tablets ) . Besides acceleration of procedure of subdivision of bungalow cheese weight from whey, à ±Ãƒ »Ãƒ ·Ãƒ ³Ãƒ £ does casein indissoluble that promotes response of firmer curdled weight. 4. Cheese response So, # 1089 ; # 1099 ; # 1095 ; # 1091 ; # 1078 ; # 1085 ; # 1099 ; # 1081 ; enzyme has begun the work. The standard coagulum split up, and alleged cheese grain-albuminous of a atom in the size 3-6 # 1084 ; # 1084 ; is formed. Cheese grain swimming in whey heat up, it is really responsible operation as her purpose to make conditions for development of certain species of micro-organisms. The warming temperature lies and at the bosom of industrial categorization of cheeses. Features of development of big cheeses is application of high temperature of warming ( 54-58 # 1057 ; ) . 4.1 Cheese takes the signifier Weight separate from whey, a method of her premiss in the particular porous container. Submit in # 1089 ; # 1099 ; # 1088 ; # 1086 ; # 1080 ; # 1079 ; # 1075 ; # 1086 ; # 1090 ; # 1086 ; # 1074 ; # 1080 ; # 1090 ; # 1077 ; # 1083 ; # 1100 ; , and from him on the grapevine cheese grain arrives in # 1073 ; # 1099 ; # 1089 ; # 1090 ; # 1088 ; # 1086 ; # 1074 ; # 1088 ; # 1072 ; # 1097 ; # 1072 ; # 1102 ; # 1097 ; # 1080 ; # 1081 ; # 1089 ; # 1103 ; the device which submits it to signifiers. The 2nd manner: the condensed cheese weight cut pieces ( from a thickness of the cut pieces the cheese evaluation is defined ) and topographic point in signifiers which depending on a cheese sort can be the cylinder ( high little diameter or low # 1073 ; # 1086 ; # 1083 ; # 1100 ; # 1096 ; # 1077 ; # 1075 ; # 1086 ; diameter ) # 1080 ; . # 1090 ; . # 1076 ; . During pressing procedure of consolidation returns and the remained whey foliages. But non everything, humidness of cheese weight should be optimal. The crisp divergence from the established wet content ( even 2-3 % ) can take to alter of a class of biochemical procedures, and cheese will be non typical, and his quality will decline. To pressing on # 1089 ; # 1099 ; # 1088 ; # 1086 ; # 1076 ; # 1077 ; # 1083 ; # 1100 ; # 1085 ; # 1099 ; # 1093 ; mills are applied pneumatic the imperativeness, working under the influence of tight air. In a imperativeness topographic point some 10s cylinders or cheese whetstones. Passes 12-18 hours when big cheeses and this procedure are pressed comes to an terminal. Cheese gets the signifier which he has in a ready sort, a smooth and equal surface. However it yet cheese true his color white, gustatory sensation empty, weight unsmooth # 1088 ; # 1077 ; # 1079 ; # 1080 ; # 1085 ; # 1080 ; # 1089 ; # 1090 ; # 1072 ; # 1103 ; . But already at this clip in him the new stage of transmutations transmutation of cheese weight to cheese Begins. 4.2 Salt the aid to utile microflora and gustatory sensation Cheese leaves pressing subdivision with the original prosodies: in his surface # 1074 ; # 1087 ; # 1088 ; # 1077 ; # 1089 ; # 1089 ; # 1086 ; # 1074 ; # 1072 ; # 1085 ; # 1099 ; the figures demoing twenty-four hours of his birth, i.e. day of the month of development and her figure. As about each grocery, cheese salt. For this intent at modern mills him stack on regiments of particular containers which by agencies of mechanisms omit in # 1089 ; # 1086 ; # 1083 ; # 1080 ; # 1083 ; # 1100 ; # 1085 ; # 1099 ; # 1077 ; pools. In # 1089 ; # 1086 ; # 1083 ; # 1080 ; # 1083 ; # 1100 ; # 1085 ; # 1086 ; # 1084 ; branch some Numberss of concrete pools in which the seawater of certain concentration and temperature circulates. Cheese is in him some yearss, therefore his gustatory sensation becomes non merely more aggressively, but besides more amply, the consistency improves. The salt solution positively operates on microbiological procedures they continue to develop in the necessary way, the harmful microflora which has got to cheese weight choking coils. Salt really easy gets into thickness of cheese, and merely in some yearss after him will take out from pool, salt will make the caput Centre, being in regular intervals distributed on all weight. At some mills salt non cheeses, and cheese grain that allows to make without # 1089 ; # 1086 ; # 1083 ; # 1080 ; # 1083 ; # 1100 ; # 1085 ; # 1099 ; # 1093 ; premises. Thus, # 1087 ; # 1086 ; # 1089 ; # 1086 ; # 1083 ; # 1082 ; # 1072 ; , anyhow, promotes procedure of maturing of cheese, creative activity of his flavorer corsage. Soon after # 1087 ; # 1086 ; # 1089 ; # 1086 ; # 1083 ; # 1082 ; # 1080 ; cheese arrives in # 1089 ; # 1099 ; # 1088 ; # 1086 ; # 1093 ; # 1088 ; # 1072 ; # 1085 ; # 1080 ; # 1083 ; # 1080 ; # 1097 ; # 1077 ; , here him for long clip go forth entirely. 5. Cheese maturating C # 1099 ; # 1088 ; # 1086 ; # 1093 ; # 1088 ; # 1072 ; # 1085 ; # 1080 ; # 1083 ; # 1080 ; # 1097 ; # 1077 ; where cheese an interior sanctum # 1089 ; # 1099 ; # 1088 ; # 1086 ; # 1076 ; # 1077 ; # 1083 ; # 1100 ; # 1085 ; # 1086 ; # 1075 ; # 1086 ; mill ripens. Here there are Chamberss refrigerating and warm. In them caputs accurately laid on regiments, cylinders, cheese whetstones. On racks thermometers and # 1087 ; # 1089 ; # 1080 ; # 1093 ; # 1088 ; # 1086 ; # 1084 ; # 1077 ; # 1090 ; # 1088 ; # 1099 ; , air temperature is supported to within 1-2 # 1057 ; , humidness to 2-3 % . In Chamberss # 1089 ; # 1099 ; # 1088 ; # 1086 ; # 1093 ; # 1088 ; # 1072 ; # 1085 ; # 1080 ; # 1083 ; # 1080 ; # 1097 ; # 1072 ; under action # 1089 ; # 1099 ; # 1095 ; # 1091 ; # 1078 ; # 1085 ; # 1086 ; # 1075 ; # 1086 ; enzyme and microflora enzymes returns and practically procedure of maturing of cheese which has begun still in # 1089 ; # 1099 ; # 1088 ; # 1086 ; # 1076 ; # 1077 ; # 1083 ; # 1100 ; # 1085 ; # 1086 ; # 1081 ; to a bath comes to the terminal. Fictional character of maturating is about indistinguishable, but for each sort of cheese he has the characteristics which define, in peculiar, and continuance of this procedure. Firm # 1089 ; # 1099 ; # 1095 ; # 1091 ; # 1078 ; # 1085 ; # 1099 ; # 1077 ; cheeses, for illustration Swiss, Soviet, Kostroma etc. , mature till 180 yearss. The ground, of class, non in different volume and weight of these sorts of cheese, and in the same micro-organism. Some months while cheese is on regiments, do non discontinue to care of him. Cheese sporadically overturn, that his signifier was non broke, the crust was better, salt was in regular intervals distributed ; wash, when will happen out on him a mold ; sometimes transfer to other subdivision of depot, where other temperature conditions. Cheese maturing is a procedure during which clip cheese gets the xanthous coloring material particular, characteristic gustatory sensation for his each sort, more or less soft consistency and alleged pulling eyes of unit of ammunition, ellipse or other signifier, a cheese crust becomes heavy and at the same clip elastic. For illustration, in Swiss cheese the volume of emptiness can make to 20 % of all volume. And some cheeses cover with a paraffin mix, it means that the terminal of his maturing at mill attacks. Here cheese is ready. Him battalion into boxes and direct on base or in the icebox where shop at temperature 2-6 # 1057 ; and humidness of air of 85-87 % . From here he arrives in stores. 6. The decision Cheese is # 1074 ; # 1099 ; # 1089 ; # 1086 ; # 1082 ; # 1086 ; # 1094 ; # 1077 ; # 1085 ; # 1085 ; # 1099 ; # 1084 ; the grocery incorporating a considerable measure # 1083 ; # 1077 ; # 1075 ; # 1082 ; # 1086 ; # 1091 ; # 1089 ; # 1074 ; # 1086 ; # 1103 ; # 1077 ; # 1084 ; # 1099 ; # 1093 ; of high-grade fibres, dairy fat, assorted salts and vitamins. For each sort of cheese the technological characteristics which eventually and define specificity of a ready merchandise are curious. The microflora applied at development and maturing of cheeses, defines a sort and outstanding characteristics of soft cheeses, causes a way microbiological, biochemical ( # 1092 ; # 1077 ; # 1088 ; # 1084 ; # 1077 ; # 1085 ; # 1090 ; # 1072 ; # 1090 ; # 1080 ; # 1074 ; # 1085 ; # 1099 ; # 1093 ; ) the procedures continuing in milk, cheese weight, influences instruction of gustatory sensation and olfactory property of cheese, his physical and chemical construction. The literature 1. Brilevsky O.A.Tovarovedenie of articles of nutrient. 2. V.A.Kniga s smugglers about cheese. Food-processing industry of 1974
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