Wednesday, July 31, 2019
The murk came back and transformed that Sunday night's dusk into a thing of decadent beauty. The sun turned red as it slid down toward the hills and the haze picked up the glow, turning the western sky into a nosebleed. I sat out on the deck and watched it, trying to do a crossword puzzle and not getting very far. When the phone rang, I dropped Tough Stuff on top of my manuscript as I went to answer it. I was tired of looking at the title of my book every time I passed. ‘Hello?' ‘What's going on up there?' John Storrow demanded. He didn't even bother to say hi. He didn't sound angry, though; he sounded totally pumped. ‘I'm missing the whole goddam soap opera!' ‘I invited myself to lunch on Tuesday,' I said. ‘Hope you don't mind.' ‘No, that's good, the more the merrier.' He sounded as if he absolutely meant it. ‘What a summer, huh? What a summer! Anything happen just lately? Earthquakes? Volcanoes? Mass suicides?' ‘No mass suicides, but the old guy died,' I said. ‘Shit, the whole world knows Max Devore kicked it,' he said. ‘Surprise me, Mike! Stun me! Make me holler boy-howdy!' ‘No, the other old guy. Royce Merrill.' ‘I don't know who you oh, wait. The one with the gold cane who looked like an exhibit from Jurassic Park?' ‘That's him.' ‘Bummer. Otherwise . . . ?' ‘Otherwise everything's under control,' I said, then thought of the popped-out eyes of the cat-clock and almost laughed. What stopped me was a kind of surety that Mr. Good Humor Man was just an act John had really called to ask what, if anything, was going on between me and Mattie. And what was I going to say? Nothing yet? One kiss, one instant blue-steel hard-on, the fundamental things apply as time goes by? But John had other things on his mind. ‘Listen, Michael, I called because I've got something to tell you. I think you'll be both amused and amazed.' ‘A state we all crave,' I said. ‘Lay it on me.' ‘Rogette Whitmore called, and . . . you didn't happen to give her my parents' number, did you? I'm back in New York now, but she called me in Philly.' ‘I didn't have your parents' number. You didn't leave it on either of your machines.' ‘Oh, right.' No apology; he seemed too excited to think of such mundanities. I began to feel excited myself, and I didn't even know what the hell was going on. ‘I gave it to Mattie. Do you think the Whitmore woman called Mattie to get it? Would Mattie give it to her?' ‘I'm not sure that if Mattie came upon Rogette flaming in a thoroughfare, she'd piss on her to put her out.' ‘Vulgar, Michael, trs vulgarino.' But he was laughing. ‘Maybe Whitmore got it the same way Devore got yours.' ‘Probably so,' I said. ‘I don't know what'll happen in the months ahead, but right now I'm sure she's still got access to Max Devore's personal control panel. And if anyone knows how to push the buttons on it, it's probably her. Did she call from Palm Springs?' ‘Uh-huh. She said she'd just finished a preliminary meeting with Devore's attorneys concerning the old man's will. According to her, Grampa left Mattie Devore eighty million dollars.' I was struck silent. I wasn't amused yet, but I was certainly amazed. ‘Gets ya, don't it?' John said gleefully. ‘You mean he left it to Kyra,' I said at last. ‘Left it in trust to Kyra.' ‘No, that's just what he did not do. I asked Whitmore three times, but by the third I was starting to understand. There was method in his madness. Not much, but a little. You see, there's a condition. If he left the money to the minor child instead of to the mother, the condition would have no weight. It's funny when you consider that Mattie isn't long past minor status herself.' ‘Funny,' I agreed, and thought of her dress sliding between my hands and her smooth bare waist. I also thought of Bill Dean saying that men who went with girls that age always looked the same, had their tongues run out even if their mouths were shut. ‘What string did he put on the money?' ‘That Mattie remain on the TR for one year following Devore's death until July 17, 1999. She can leave on day-trips, but she has to be tucked up in her TR-90 bed every night by nine o'clock, or else the legacy is forfeit. Did you ever hear such a bullshit thing in your life? Outside of some old George Sanders movie, that is?' ‘No,' I said, and recalled my visit to the Fryeburg Fair with Kyra. Even in death he's seeking custody, I had thought, and of course this was the same thing. He wanted them here. Even in death he wanted them on the TR. ‘It won't fly?' I asked. ‘Of course it won't fly. Fucking crackpot might as well have written he'd give her eighty million dollars if she used blue tampons for a year. But she'll get the eighty mil, all right. My heart is set on it. I've already talked to three of our estate guys, and . . . you don't think I should bring one of them up with me on Tuesday, do you? Will Stevenson'll be the point man in the estate phase, if Mattie agrees.' He was all but babbling. He hadn't had a thing to drink, I'd've bet the farm on it, but he was sky-high on all the possibilities. We'd gotten to the happily-ever-after part of the fairy tale, as far as he was concerned; Cinderella comes home from the ball through a cash cloudburst. ‘ . . . course Will's a little bit old,' John was saying, ‘about three hundred or so, which means he's not exactly a fun guy at a party, but . . . ‘ ‘Leave him home, why don't you?' I said. ‘There'll be plenty of time to carve up Devore's will later on. And in the immediate future, I don't think Mattie's going to have any problem observing the bullshit condition. She just got her job back, remember?' ‘Yeah, the white buffalo drops dead and the whole herd scatters!' John exulted. ‘Look at em go! And the new multimillionaire goes back to filing books and mailing out overdue notices! Okay, Tuesday we'll just party.' ‘Good.' ‘Party 'til we puke.' ‘Well . . . maybe us older folks will just party until we're mildly nauseated, would that be all right?' ‘Sure. I've already called Romeo Bissonette, and he's going to bring George Kennedy, the private detective who got all that hilarious shit on Durgin. Bissonette says Kennedy's a scream when he gets a drink or two in him. I thought I'd bring some steaks from Peter Luger's, did I tell you that?' ‘I don't believe you did.' ‘Best steaks in the world. Michael, do you realize what's happened to that young woman? Eighty million dollars!' ‘She'll be able to replace Scoutie.' ‘Huh?' ‘Nothing. Will you come in tomorrow night or on Tuesday?' ‘Tuesday morning around ten, into Castle County Airport. New England Air. Mike, are you all right? You sound odd.' ‘I'm all right. I'm where I'm supposed to be. I think.' ‘What's that supposed to mean?' I had wandered out onto the deck. In the distance thunder rumbled. It was hotter than hell, not a breath of breeze stirring. The sunset was fading to a baleful afterglow. The sky in the west looked like the white of a bloodshot eye. ‘I don't know,' I said, ‘but I have an idea the situation will clarify itself. I'll meet you at the airport.' ‘Okay,' he said, and then, in a hushed, almost reverential voice: ‘Eighty million motherfucking American dollars.' ‘It's a whole lotta lettuce,' I agreed, and wished him a good night. I drank black coffee and ate toast in the kitchen the next morning, watching the TV weatherman. Like so many of them these days, he had a slightly mad look, as if all those Doppler radar images had driven him to the brink of something. I think of it as the Millennial Video Game look. ‘We've got another thirty-six hours of this soup to work through and then there's going to be a big change,' he was saying, and pointed to some dark gray scum lurking in the Midwest. Tiny animated lightning-bolts danced in it like defective sparkplugs. Beyond the scum and the lightning-bolts, America looked clear all the way out to the desert country, and the posted temperatures were fifteen degrees cooler. ‘We'll see temps in the mid-nineties today and can't look for much relief tonight or tomorrow morning. But tomorrow afternoon these frontal storms will reach western Maine, and I think most of you are going to want to keep updated on weather conditions. Before we get back to cooler air and bright clear skies on Wednesday, we're probably going to see violent thunderstorms, heavy rain, hail in some locations. Tornados are rare in Maine, but some towns in western and central Maine could see them tomorrow. Back to you, Earl.' Earl, the morning news guy, had the innocent beefy look of a recent retiree from the Chippendales and read off the Teleprompter like one. ‘Wow,' he said. ‘That's quite a forecast, Vince. Tornados a possibility.' ‘Wow,' I said. ‘Say wow again, Earl. Do it 'til I'm satisfied.' ‘Holy cow,' Earl said just to spite me, and the telephone rang. I went to answer it, giving the waggy clock a look as I went by. The night had been quiet no sobbing, no screaming, no nocturnal adventures but the clock was disquieting, just the same. It hung there On the wall eyeless and dead, like a message full of bad news. ‘Hello?' ‘Mr. Noonan?' I knew the voice, but for a moment couldn't place it. It was because she had called me Mr. Noonan. To Brenda Meserve I'd been Mike for almost fifteen years. ‘Mrs M.? Brenda? What ‘ ‘I can't work for you anymore,' she said, all in a rush. ‘I'm sorry I can't give you proper notice I never stopped work for anyone without giving notice, not even that old drunk Mr Croyden but I have to. Please understand.' ‘Did Bill find out I called you? I swear to God, Brenda, I never said a word ‘ ‘No. I haven't spoken to him, nor he to me. I just can't come back to Sara Laughs. I had a bad dream last night. A terrible dream. I dreamed that . . . something's mad at me. If I come back, I could have an accident. It would look like an accident, at least, but . . . it wouldn't be.' That's silly, Mrs M., I wanted to say. You're surely past the age where you believe in campfire stories about ghoulies and ghosties and long-leggedy beasties. But of course I could say no such thing. What was going on in my house was no campfire story. I knew it, and she knew I did. ‘Brenda, if I've caused you any trouble, I'm truly sorry.' ‘Go away, Mr. Noonan . . . Mike. Go back to Derry and stay for awhile. It's the best thing you could do.' I heard the letters sliding on the fridge and turned. This time I actually saw the circle of fruits and vegetables form. It stayed open at the top long enough for four letters to slide inside. Then a little plastic lemon plugged the hole and completed the circle. yats, the letters said, then swapped themselves around, making stay Then both the circle and the letters broke up. ‘Mike, please.' Mrs. M. was crying. ‘Royce's funeral is tomorrow. Everyone in the TR who matters the old-timers will be there.' Yes, of course they would. The old ones, the bags of bones who knew what they knew and kept it to themselves. Except some of them had talked to my wife. Royce himself had talked to her. Now he was dead. So was she. ‘It would be best if you were gone. You could take that young woman with you, maybe. Her and her little girl.' But could I? I somehow didn't think so. I thought the three of us were on the TR until this was over . . . and I was starting to have an idea of when that would be. A storm was coming. A summer storm. Maybe even a tornado. ‘Brenda, thanks for calling me. And I'm not letting you go. Let's just call it a leave of absence, shall we?' ‘Fine . . . whatever you want. Will you at least think about what I said?' ‘Yes. In the meantime, I don't think I'd tell anyone you called me, all right?' ‘No!' she said, sounding shocked. Then: ‘But they'll know. Bill and Yvette . . . Dickie Brooks at the garage . . . old Anthony Weyland and Buddy Jellison and all the others . . . they'll know. Goodbye, Mr. Noonan. I'm so sorry. For you and your wife. Your poor wife. I'm so sorry.' Then she was gone. I held the phone in my hand for a long time. Then, like a man in a dream, I put it down, crossed the room, and took the eyeless clock off the wall. I threw it in the trash and went down to the lake for a swim, remembering that W. E Harvey story ‘August Heat,' the one that ends with the line ‘The heat is enough to drive a man mad.' I'm not a bad swimmer when people aren't pelting me with rocks, but my first shore-to-float-to-shore lap was tentative and unrhythmic ugly because I kept expecting something to reach up from the bottom and grab me. The drowned boy, maybe. The second lap was better, and by the third I was relishing the increased kick of my heart and the silky coolness of the water rushing past me. Halfway through the fourth lap I pulled myself up the float's ladder and collapsed on the boards, feeling better than I had since my encounter with Devore and Rogette Whitmore on Friday night. I was still in the zone, and on top of that I was experiencing a glorious endorphin rush. In that state, even the dismay I'd felt when Mrs M. told me she was resigning her position ebbed away. She would come back when this was over; of course she would. In the meantime, it was probably best she stay away. Something's mad at me. I could have an accident. Yes indeed. She might cut herself. She might fall down a flight of cellar stairs. She might even have a stroke running across a hot parking lot. I sat up and looked at Sara on her hill, the deck jutting out over the drop, the railroad ties descending. I'd only been out of the water for a few minutes, but already the day's sticky heat was folding over me, stealing my rush. The water was still as a mirror. I could see the house reflected in it, and in the reflection Sara's windows became watchful eyes. I thought that the focus of all the phenomena the epicenter was very likely on The Street between the real Sara and its drowned image. This is where it happened, Devore had said. And the old-timers? Most of them probably knew what I knew: that Royce Merrill had been murdered. And wasn't it possible wasn't it likely that what had killed him might come among them as they sat in their pews or gathered afterward around his grave? That it might steal some of their force their guilt, their memories, their TR-ness to help it finish the job? I was very glad that John was going to be at the trailer tomorrow, and Romeo Bissonette, and George Kennedy, who was so amusing when he got a drink or two in him. Glad it was going to be more than just me with Mattie and Ki when the old folks got together to give Royce Merrill his sendoff. I no longer cared very much about what had happened to Sara and the Red-Tops, or even about what was haunting my house. What I wanted was to get through tomorrow, and for Mattie and Ki to get through tomorrow. We'd eat before the rain started and then let the predicted thunderstorms come. I thought that, if we could ride them out, our lives and futures might clarify with the weather. ‘Is that right?' I asked. I expected no answer talking out loud was a habit I had picked up since returning here but somewhere in the woods east of the house, an owl hooted. Just once, as if to say it was right, get through tomorrow and things will clarify. The hoot almost brought something else to mind, some association that was ultimately too gauzy to grasp. I tried once or twice, but the only thing I could come up with was the title of a wonderful old novel I Heard the Owl Call My Name. I rolled forward off the float and into the water, grasping my knees against my chest like a kid doing a cannonball. I stayed under as long as I could, until the air in my lungs started to feel like some hot bottled liquid, and then I broke the surface. I trod water about thirty yards out until I had my breath back, then set my sights on the Green Lady and stroked for shore. I waded out, started up the railroad ties, then stopped and went back to The Street. I stood there for a moment, gathering my courage, then walked to where the birch curved her graceful belly out over the water. I grasped that white curve as I had on Friday evening and looked into the water. I was sure I'd see the child, his dead eyes looking up at me from his bloating brown face, and that my mouth and throat would once more fill with the taste of the lake: help I'm drown, lemme up, oh sweet Jesus lemme up. But there was nothing. No dead boy, no ribbon-wrapped Boston Post cane, no taste of the lake in my mouth. I turned and peered at the gray forehead of rock poking out of the mulch. I thought There, right there, but it was only a conscious and unspontaneous thought, the mind voicing a memory. The smell of decay and the certainty that something awful had happened right there was gone. When I got back up to the house and went for a soda, I discovered the front of the refrigerator was bare and clean. Every magnetic letter, every fruit and vegetable, was gone. I never found them. I might have, probably would have, if there had been more time, but on that Monday morning time was almost up. I dressed, then called Mattie. We talked about the upcoming party, about how excited Ki was, about how nervous Mattie was about going back to work on Friday she was afraid that the locals would be mean to her, but in an odd, womanly way she was even more afraid that they would be cold to her, snub her. We talked about the money, and I quickly ascertained that she didn't believe in the reality of it. ‘Lance used to say his father was the kind of man who'd show a piece of meat to a starving dog and then eat it himself,' she said. ‘But as long as I have my job back, I won't starve and neither will Ki.' ‘But if there really are big bucks . . . ?' ‘Oh, gimme-gimme-gimme,' she said, laughing. ‘What do you think I am, crazy?' ‘Nah. By the way, what's going on with Ki's fridgeafator people? Are they writing any new stuff?' ‘That is the weirdest thing,' she said. ‘They're gone.' ‘The fridgeafator people?' ‘I don't know about them, but the magnetic letters you gave her sure are. When I asked Ki what she did with them, she started crying and said Allamagoosalum took them. She said he ate them in the middle of the night, while everyone was sleeping, for a snack.' ‘Allama-who-salum?' ‘Allamagoosalum,' Mattie said, sounding wearily amused. ‘Another little legacy from her grandfather. It's a corruption of the Micmac word for â€Å"boogeyman†or â€Å"demon†I looked it up at the library. Kyra had a good many nightmares about demons and wendigos and the allama-goosalum late last winter and this spring.' ‘What a sweet old grandpa he was,' I said sentimentally. ‘Right, a real pip. She was miserable over losing the letters; I barely got her calmed down before her ride to VBS came. Ki wants to know if you'll come to Final Exercises on Friday afternoon, by the way. She and her friend Billy Turgeon are going to flannelboard the story of baby Moses.' ‘I wouldn't miss it,' I said . . . but of course I did. We all did. ‘Any idea where her letters might have gone, Mike?' ‘No.' ‘Yours are still okay?' ‘Mine are fine, but of course mine don't spell anything,' I said, looking at the empty door of my own fridgeafator. There was sweat on my forehead. I could feel it creeping down into my eyebrows like oil. ‘Did you . . . I don't know . . . sense anything?' ‘You mean did I maybe hear the evil alphabet-thief as he slid through the window?' ‘You know what I mean.' ‘I suppose so.' A pause ‘I thought I heard something in the night, okay? About three this morning, actually. I got up and went into the hall. Nothing was there. But . . . you know how hot it's been lately?' ‘Yes.' ‘Well, not in my trailer, not last night. It was cold as ice. I swear I could almost see my breath.' I believed her. After all, I had seen mine. ‘Were the letters on the front of the fridge then?' ‘I don't know. I didn't go up the hall far enough to see into the kitchen. I took one look around and then went back to bed. I almost ran back to bed. Sometimes bed feels safer, you know?' She laughed nervously. ‘It's a kid thing. Covers are boogeyman kryptonite. Only at first, when I got in . . . I don't know . . . I thought someone was in there already. Like someone had been hiding on the floor underneath and then . . . when I went to check the hall . . . they got in. Not a nice someone, either.' Give me my dust-catcher, I thought, and shuddered. ‘What?' Mattie asked sharply. ‘What did you say?' ‘I asked who did you think it was? What was the first name that came into your mind?' ‘Devore,' she said. ‘Him. But there was no one there.' A pause. ‘I wish you'd been there.' ‘I do, too.' ‘I'm glad. Mike, do you have any ideas at all about this? Because it's very freaky.' ‘I think maybe . . . ‘ For a moment I was on the verge of telling her what had happened to my own letters. But if I started talking, where would it stop? And how much could she be expected to believe? ‘ . . . maybe Ki took the letters herself. Went walking in her sleep and chucked them under the trailer or something. Do you think that could be?' ‘I think I like the idea of Kyra strolling around in her sleep even less than the idea of ghosts with cold breath taking the letters off the fridge,' Mattie said. ‘Take her to bed with you tonight,' I said, and felt her thought come back like an arrow: I'd rather take you. What she said, after a brief pause, was: ‘Will you come by today?' ‘I don't think so,' I said. She was noshing on flavored yogurt as we talked, eating it in little nipping bites. ‘You'll see me tomorrow, though. At the party.' ‘I hope we get to eat before the thunderstorms. They're supposed to be bad.' ‘I'm sure we will.' ‘And are you still thinking? I only ask because I dreamed of you when I finally fell asleep again. I dreamed of you kissing me.' ‘I'm still thinking,' I said. ‘Thinking hard.' But in fact I don't remember thinking about anything very hard that day. What I remember is drifting further and further into that zone I've explained so badly. Near dusk I went for a long walk in spite of the heat all the way out to where Lane Forty-two joins the highway. Coming back I stopped on the edge of Tidwell's Meadow, watching the light fade out of the sky and listening to thunder rumble somewhere over New Hampshire. Once more there was that sense of how thin reality was, not just here but everywhere; how it was stretched like skin over the blood and tissue of a body we can never know clearly in this life. I looked at trees and saw arms; I looked at bushes and saw faces. Ghosts, Mattie had said. Ghosts with cold breath. Time was also thin, it seemed to me. Kyra and I had really been at the Fryeburg Fair some version of it, anyway; we had really visited the year 1900. And at the foot of the meadow the Red-Tops were almost there now, as they once had been, in their neat little cabins. I could almost hear the sound of their guitars, the murmur of their voices and laughter; I could almost see the gleam of their lanterns and smell their beef and pork frying. ‘Say baby, do you remember me?' one of her songs went, ‘Well I ain't your honey like I used to be.' Something rattled in the underbrush to my left. I turned that way, expecting to see Sara step out of the woods wearing Mattie's dress and Mattie's white sneakers. In this gloom, they would seem almost to float by themselves, until she got close to me . . . There was no one there, of course, it had undoubtedly been nothing but Chuck the Woodchuck headed home after a hard day at the office, but I no longer wanted to be out here, watching as the light drained out of the day and the mist came up from the ground. I turned for home. Instead of going into the house when I got back, I made my way along the path to Jo's studio, where I hadn't been since the night I had taken my IBM back in a dream. My way was lit by intermittent flashes of heat lightning. The studio was hot but not stale. I could smell a peppery aroma that was actually pleasant, and wondered if it might be some of Jo's herbs. There was an air conditioner out here, and it worked I turned it on and then just stood in front of it a little while. So much cold air on my overheated body was probably unhealthy, but it felt wonderful. I didn't feel very wonderful otherwise, however. I looked around with a growing sense of something too heavy to be mere sadness; it felt like despair. I think it was caused by the contrast between how little of Jo was left in Sara Laughs and how much of her was still out here. I imagined our marriage as a kind of playhouse and isn't that what marriage is, in large part? playing house? where only half the stuff was held down. Held down by little magnets or hidden cables. Something had come along and picked up our playhouse by one corner easiest thing in the world, and I supposed I should be grateful that the something hadn't decided to draw back its foot and kick the poor thing all the way over. It just picked up that one corner, you see. My stuff stayed put, but all of Jo's had slid . . . Out of the house and down here. ‘Jo?' I asked, and sat down in her chair. There was no answer. No thumps on the wall. No crows or owls calling from the woods. I put my hand on her desk, where the typewriter had been, and slipped my hand across it, picking up a film of dust. ‘I miss you, honey,' I said, and began to cry. When the tears were over again I wiped my face with the tail of my tee-shirt like a little kid, then just looked around. There was the picture of Sara Tidwell on her desk and a photo I didn't remember on the wall this latter was old, sepia-tinted, and woodsy. Its focal point was a man-high birchwood cross in a little clearing on a slope above the lake. That clearing was gone from the geography now, most likely, long since filled in by trees. I looked at her jars of herbs and mushroom sections, her filing cabinets, her sections of afghan. The green rag rug on the floor. The pot of pencils on the desk, pencils she had touched and used. I held one of them poised over a blank sheet of paper for a moment or two, but nothing happened. I had a sense of life in this room, and a sense of being watched . . . but not a sense of being helped. ‘I know some of it but not enough,' I said. ‘Of all the things I don't know, maybe the one that matters most is who wrote â€Å"help her†on the fridge. Was it you, Jo?' No answer. I sat awhile longer hoping against hope, I suppose then got up, turned off the air conditioning, turned off the lights, and went back to the house, walking in soft bright stutters of unfocused lightning. I sat on the deck for a little while, watching the night. At some point I realized I'd taken the length of blue silk ribbon out of my pocket and was winding it nervously back and forth between my fingers, making half-assed cat's cradles. Had it really come from the year 1900? The idea seemed perfectly crazy and perfectly sane at the same time. The night hung hot and hushed. I imagined old folks all over the TR perhaps in Motton and Harlow, too laying out their funeral clothes for tomorrow. In the doublewide trailer on Wasp Hill Road, Ki was sitting on the floor, watching a videotape of The Jungle Book Baloo and Mowgli were singing ‘The Bare Necessities.' Mattie was on the couch with her feet up, reading the new Mary Higgins Clark and singing along. Both were wea ring shorty pajamas, Ki's pink, Mattie's white. After a little while I lost my sense of them; it faded the way radio signals sometimes do late at night. I went into the north bedroom, undressed, and crawled onto the top sheet of my unmade bed. I fell asleep almost at once. I woke in the middle of the night with someone running a hot finger up and down the middle of my back. I rolled over and when the lightning flashed, I saw there was a woman in bed with me. It was Sara Tidwell. She was grinning. There were no pupils in her eyes. ‘Oh sugar, I'm almost back,' she whispered in the dark. I had a sense of her reaching out for me again, but when the next flash of lightning came, that side of the bed was empty.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Essay
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is recommended by the NICE guidelines as an effective treatment for many mental health problems, specifically depression and all of the anxiety disorders. But is it a therapy open to all? When Professor Lord Layard wrote his paper: â€Å"Mental Health: Britain’s Biggest Social Problem? †in 2005, he noted that: â€Å"16% of adults of working age have a mental illness†Of these 16%, he stated that, only a quarter were utilising any type of treatment. It was this sort of finding that lead to his recommendation to increase accessibility to proven therapies such as CBT. This was achieved with the roll out of the Improved Access to Psychological Therapy (IAPT) programme. The diagram below shows how the IAPT programme has been divided up into 3 steps: It is this stepped approach that will contribute to overcoming some of the barriers that societies diversity may have with accessing CBT. What might these barriers be? One of the first barriers an individual faces may be around the concern of being stigmatised. It may be too hard for them to think about accessing CBT therapy for fear of what others may think. They may not want to take time off work to attend sessions for fear of it impacting negatively on their career prospects. The stepped care model means they are able to receive the lowest appropriate service tier support. This may mean that an individual is able to access therapy using guided self-help, allowing them to work through the programme in their own time and at their own pace. Online programmes such as â€Å"Fearfighter†and â€Å"Beating the Blues†allow the individual to access therapy where and when they like. Not only do these sort of programmes overcome the fear of stigma but they also overcome the issue of long waiting lists meaning that the individual can access treatment on their terms almost instantaneously. Only if this level of support proves unsuccessful will the individual then be â€Å"stepped up†to the high intensity support. These internet CBT programmes also overcome geographical difficulties, as long the individual has access to the internet and phone. In my opinion the internet is one of the main ways in which barriers may be removed. Morland et al (2011) conducted a study on the effectiveness of CBT delivered via video conferencing compared to the â€Å"traditional in-person†. The results indicated that the outcomes were just as effective. A promising move for those that are unable to access traditional CBT as a result of their location or possible mental health issue, for example those suffering agoraphobia. At the core of CBT is the individual’s motivation to learn and change. This in itself can lead to difficulties, especially in children and young people. Often this â€Å"group†is being taken to therapy rather than choosing to go. Hudson (2005) found that large numbers of youngsters were not responding to the CBT treatment that they were receiving. As far as children and young people are concerned there seems to have been limited research onto the success of CBT treatment. The first controlled trials did not take place until the early 1990s and the majority of research has focused on the impact of CBT on adults. Even so the NICE guidelines on Depression in Children and Young People recommended the use of CBT, firstly, rather than pharmacological interventions. So how has CBT been adapted to incorporate children and young people, whose very cognition and emotional stages differs from that of adults? There have been some creative adaptations to the CBT model such as â€Å"Think Good Feel good†. Here the concept of CBT is broken down into easy to manage bites. There is also a lot of use of cartoons and speech bubbles, allowing the young person to access their thoughts and feelings in a safe way. The need to use more non-verbal techniques to help the young person to engage in the process such as, storytelling, drawing and games is also highlighted in this book. O’Reilly et al (2009) have also developed an interesting approach to using CBT with children and young people. They have created a game called â€Å"gNAtenboroughs Island†which is played by the youngster alongside a therapist. Each session introduces another core CBT concept to the young person, such as the connection between thoughts, feelings and behaviours. These are presented in a non-threatening way and also a way that may be more engaging to this age group. Cerangolu (2010) found that video games could enhance the therapeutic experience. They could help facilitate the therapeutic relationship as young people may be more willing to relate to a therapist that is ready to engage and understand their normal way of playing. Also sitting side by side rather than at the conventional â€Å"ten to two†setting also may make the young person relax. How the game is played can also reveal the young person cognitive style. As technology develops so do the opportunities to engage young people in therapy. Apps for smartphones are constantly being developed that allow the young person to access their homework in a more user friendly way, to record their thoughts and emotions instantaneously. To allow them to engage in therapy in the same way that they engage in their life. Homework may be a part of CBT therapy that causes a young person to disengage, especially as the very word may cause them to have negative connotations. Gaynor et al (2006) found that compliance toward completing homework dropped the further into therapy a young person was. It is important that the therapist and client work together to agree the homework and that the young person is encouraged to set their own, as this may encourage a â€Å"buy in â€Å"to its importance. It may be that the therapist stays away from using the language of school and calls it â€Å"practise work†or â€Å"work for self†. Initially I saw CBT treatment as regimented and unmoving, but the more I have researched the barriers that different people may encompass when thinking of embarking on treatment the more I realise that CBT is indeed structured but there is an innate flexibility about how it is delivered. It is this flexibility that allows people from different backgrounds to engage in a CBT approach that sees them as an individual rather than specific disorder.
Monday, July 29, 2019
German and Germans class Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
German and Germans class - Essay Example 308) this attack on a civilian ship severely tested Wilson’s resolve but America remained steadfastly opposed to joining the war until some 22 months later. The sinking of the Lusitania, and the ensuing diplomatic row about U-boat attacks on civilian and supply ships was, not, therefore sufficient reason to justify American entry into the war. One of the main reasons why America entered the war was to protect its own financial interests: â€Å"By September 1916 Britain was purchasing American goods at a rate of over $210 million per month, and France at $38 million per month. (Burk, 1985, p. 14). While Germany also had lucrative trade deals with the United States, it was nothing like at this level, and so America had to think about the possible impact on its own position if the British and their allies should finally lose the war. There would be no possibility in the short term for these colossal debts to be paid back, and this would be bound to have a detrimental effect on the American economy for decades to come. It made financial sense, and indeed it was regarded as a matter of urgent expediency, for America to make sure that the British were on the winning side in this brutal war, and so there were very sound financial reasons why America had to step in and make sure that this would be the final outcome of the war. A further factor must also be considered, and that is the so-called â€Å"Zimmerman note†or â€Å"Zimmermann telegram†which was a piece of diplomatic correspondence sent by German diplomat Zimmermann to the Mexican ambassador, offering territorial inducements for Mexico to join the war on the German side. The proposal was, that Mexico would distract America with a war on its doorstep, while Germans, assured of victory, would recompense Mexico for its efforts with lands taken from the southern states of America. The telegram was secretly decoded by the British
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Pestle analysis for hybrid cars in US Coursework
Pestle analysis for hybrid cars in US - Coursework Example Politicians, in as early as 1990, have put emphasis on better environment; and thy showed concern for environmental pollution. The Clean Air Act was revised in 1990 and became tougher on emission norms (Wilson and Dilulio, 2008 p.561). Today, fuel is not only related to environmental issues, but also a concern for national security. In 2007 president Bush showed concern on America’s dependence on foreign petroleum. The present president, President Obama too is concerned. He wants to reduce the America’s ‘Addiction to foreign oil’. In 2009 Obama revised climatic policies and forced car makers to build more fuel efficient and pollution free cars (Tan et al, 2012, p.3). Presently the government provides tax benefits to the buyers of hybrid cars (Boone and Kurtz, 2013, p 75). From the above facts it is clear that political opinions and activities in the USA are very favourable for Hybrid cars. Tougher policy on vehicle emission means increased opportunities for zero or minimum emitting vehicles like hybrid cars. Economic Factors: There are some economic factors that can influence the hybrid car industry in the USA. America is largely dependent upon other countries for petroleum. If domestic fuel consumption is reduced US’s oil import will reduce. This will surely lessen US’s trade deficit (Tan et al, 2012, p.4). ... As hybrid cars are more fuel efficient people can save money on fuel (Miller and Stafford, 2020, p.38). However, a hybrid car costs more than a conventional car. Therefore, the initial high purchasing cost might discourage potential buyers of hybrid cars (Miller and Stafford, 2020, p.38). The government has made special budgetary allocations for new generation vehicles. This money is being spent on development of fuel-efficient and low-emission vehicles. This fact is an excellent encouragement for hybrid car industry (Tan et al, 2012, p.4). Therefore, it is clear that most of the economic factors can positively influence the US hybrid car industry. However, high price of hybrid cars might be a deterrent. Social Factors: The hybrid car industry could be influenced by several social factors. The environmental pollution is linked with social issues like health. Conventional cars that emit more harmful gases cause more damage to human health. Hybrid cars emit a negligible amount of these gases. Therefore they are seen as more human health-friendly. Moreover, hybrid cars are silent. Noise has negative impact on health. In this aspect too, hybrid cars promote better health (Tan et al, 2012, pp.4-5). Hybrid cars are now linked with social status. Reports show that US consumers buy greener products to improve social status. Consumers are even ready to ‘sacrifice luxury and performance to benefit from the perceived social status that comes from buying a product with a reduced environmental impact’ (Vaughan, 29 March, 2010). As hybrid cars are greener, owning a hybrid car will improve the owner’s social status (Vaughan, 29 March, 2010). Another social fact worth mentioning here is: women prefer electric cars.
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Ecological footprint Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Ecological footprint - Essay Example 2. Very briefly, what were the results of the two different tests and what did you find surprising or noteworthy? In the first test that I took, with me answering it honestly, I actually found out that when everyone on the planet lived like me, it needs 3.9 earths to support humanity’s lifestyle; in addition, I need 17.3 global acres for me to be able to support my lifestyle (, 2011). However, when I took the test the second time, wherein I assumed that I was the richest man on earth having a very extravagant lifestyle, I actually found out that when everybody else on earth lived like I do, it actually needs 12.4 earths to support humanity’s lifestyle, and I actually need 55.4 global acres in order for me to support my personal lifestyle (, 2011). What I found in the tests that I took is the fact that as one’s lifestyle becomes more extravagant, wherein one consumes more meat and more commercial food than others, or when one owns a l arger home and has lots of cars or even a private plane, it takes much of the world’s resources to support that lifestyle. ... d natural foods, recycling my trash more often, living in a green, sustainable shelter, using less non-renewable sources and going more for renewable energy, and most of all, having a simpler lifestyle. In this case, I must be able to be more aware of my environment, and that I must be able to consume only what I need. By having a simpler and more sustainable lifestyle, I can significantly reduce my ecological footprint. 4. If everyone lived like you, how many earths would we need to sustain this population and what does that mean? (Why can't we continue consuming resources at the current rate? What would happen if nothing was done?) As I have indicated, if everyone lived like me, it would actually take 3.9 earths to sustain this population (, 2011); it actually means that the current word’s population actually needs 3x the earth’s current resources. Personally, I think that we cannot continue consuming the earth’s resources at the current rate bec ause time will come when the earth cannot support humanity’s needs anymore. If nothing is done about this matter, the earth’s resources would be depleted fast, and humanity may suffer from famines and natural disasters, or even extinction. 5. What would you suggest, if anything, that should be done to reduce the footprint of everyone else? Given such kind of scenario, I personally think that there must be a renewed awareness campaign regarding the importance of having a sustainable lifestyle, in order for the rest of the world to appreciate and understand why it is important to change our lifestyles. I think that it is important for everyone else to know that the earth has only limited resources and that it can only support so much, and by spreading awareness, I think people will follow and change
Topic - An Exploration of My Career Choice dentist Essay
Topic - An Exploration of My Career Choice dentist - Essay Example Dentists are skilled professionals and they contribute to the well being of the society as well. Many dentists also provide free service to the needy poor people showing the humble feelings engraved in their mind during their education. Another advantage of being a dentist is that dentists do not have to work under some other person and they can be their own boss. Since they are self employed they can easily manage and balance their professional and personal lives in a proper manner. Dentists would be in big demand in the coming future mainly because of the modern and stressed lifestyles of the individuals. People would need dentists to maintain their oral hygiene and for keeping their teeth free from dieses in order to avoid any dental problem in the future. As per the information available on the website of world dental federation, there are approximately 1,36,000 dentists working in USA and the demand for them, would only increase as the number of oral problems in the younger gene ration is the highest among the developed world. Dentistry is a profession which is changing and evolving rapidly. Dentists are required to treat patients with a variety of dental issues like teeth scaling, gum dieses, filling and many more.
Friday, July 26, 2019
ASSIGNMENT 1 CRIMINOLOGY REPORT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
ASSIGNMENT 1 CRIMINOLOGY REPORT - Essay Example Their seminal work "Relative Deprivation" (1984) had gained considerable attention in the debate between left and right realism approach to crime alleviation. In their work Lea and Young (1984) address the concept of relative deprivation, and explain that it is not a new phenomenon but an old left realist concept. They explain that crime is the by product of material deprivation and poverty. However, they are of the view that relative deprivation occurs where individuals and groups feel they are deprived of social amenities when compared to fellow group members of similar settings and outlook. Relative deprivation is the term they use to categorize criminal behaviour of individuals in groups who may be considered relatively economically sound but due to other causes and factors, motivate them to engage in criminal or deviant behaviour. This explains the behaviour of religious uprising, social movements, disputes, and similar radical movements. Relative deprivation is unlike absolute deprivation which is a biological deprivation phenomenon. Moreover, they explain that relative deprivation helps explain the criminal behaviour of individuals within an otherwise economically sound environment. Riots, uprising and social movements etc. are the collective responses of relative deprivation. This is different than individual crime and, collective criminal activities. Relative deprivation helps one to understand social, religious and political disorders; but more importantly it helps sociologists and policy makers to understand and respond to crime and deviance from a multi-causal perspective. Lea and Young are of the view that there is no single factor which accounts for criminal behaviour. Instead, criminal behaviour comprises of subculture behaviour, relative deprivation and marginalization. When these are linked with other factors such as economic, social or religious etc., then the significance of the crime is explanatory under relative deprivation theory. The
Thursday, July 25, 2019
An Examination of Motivation Among African American Males of Junior Research Paper
An Examination of Motivation Among African American Males of Junior High School Age - Research Paper Example It is a process in which an individual acquires and develops knowledge, understanding, skills, interests and attitude that are necessary to meet life’s situations. It is not necessary that the quality of education is the same everywhere. Quality of education depends on how society or government help young students to achieve their educational goals. It is not necessary that all the people may have the same learning or grasping abilities. Learning is a complex process which depends on many factors such as the cultural, intellectual and economic background of the learner. Different people may have different learning styles and learning abilities because of their individual differences. For example, in America, most of the schools may have students from different parts of the world. African Americans are huge in number in America and hence in many of the public and private schools may have a substantial amount of African American students. The learning abilities and the learning styles of American students and the American African students may have huge differences and in many cases, the teacher may faces troubles in teaching a diverse class. Moreover, compared to girls, boys always regarded school as a boring waste of time. America claims that they provide equal learning opportunities for all, however, the Black-White achievement gap still exists. This leads to a variety of political, economic, and social ramifications for students. This paper analyses the reasons why and how, middle school-aged African American boys in the United States are, by that age, especially unmotivated to do well in school. Black males are among the most likely students to take the least rigorous academic schedule and least likely to take advanced math or advanced science- all predictors of college. Black males begin falling behind in reading math and science during the primary grades. Subsequently, they are disproportionately underrepresented in advanced math, science and foreign language class in middle school (Black male achievement, n. d).
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Social policy - the rule of law as referring to an ideal condition Essay
Social policy - the rule of law as referring to an ideal condition - Essay Example Since the point is to restrain the coercive activities of government, these general rules should not be framed so as to discriminate either against or in favour of any group of persons known in advance-against Jews or Blacks, for example. Laws against speeding lay down general rules of this kind: they apply equally to all motorists, and they do not single out particular individuals (say, BMW drivers) for special attention. Retrospective legislation is likely to violate the rule of law on this interpretation since its victims and beneficiaries usually can be identified in advance. 1 General rules of this kind that are announced in advance are a defence against the arbitrary actions of governments. They are necessary in Hayek's view both for the proper working of the market and for the existence of liberty precisely because they allow individuals to plan their affairs secure in the knowledge that government powers will not be used deliberately to frustrate their efforts. Once governments go beyond the enforcement of certain general rules, their activities inevitably involve the coercion of particular individuals. ... From this point of view there is no reason in principle why governments should not concern themselves with the regulation of economic affairs. But their interventions should take the form of a framework of laws within which markets can operate, rather than the direction of economic activity by a central authority. 2 Here and elsewhere, Hayek discusses government social and economic policy as if interference with market operations inevitably involves the infringement of liberty. It is not clear why that should be the case. Consider the example raised by Pigou in his review of The Road to Serfdom (Pigou 1944). The wartime practice of directing particular individuals into specific jobs is an infringement of liberty that may be defended for a limited period on the grounds of national emergency.3 This example, the occupational choices of individuals is certainly constrained as a result of government policy. But, from the point of view of those affected, the manner in which they are constrained is no different from the effects of market forces. It seems then that government interference in markets is to count as a coercive infringement of liberty, whether or not it is experienced as such by the individuals concerned. 4 Similar considerations apply to the welfare state. It is entirely proper for governments to be concerned with the welfare of their citizens, provided only that their welfare activities are constrained by the rule of law. The difficulty in discussing 'the welfare state', in Hayek's view, is that the term has no clear meaning. Some of the activities normally included under that heading are unobjectionable and may even 'make a free society more attractive, others are
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Newspaper Portrayals of Boris Johnson in the British Newspapers Literature review
Newspaper Portrayals of Boris Johnson in the British Newspapers - Literature review Example Naturally, the arms of government are defined as the legislative, judiciary and executive. Each of these has a constitutional role that they play in the democratic practice of government. To this end, it is these three arms of government that are officially accepted for all or any former duties (Angel, 2012). But as times went by in the practice of freedom of expression and freedom of the press through the provisions of democratic governance, the media was one area that was seen to have taken so much advantage of the provision, making its impact felt in almost every aspect of British life. It was for this reason that the media its self and the public started referring to the media as the fourth arm of government, necessary for undertaking the role of correcting and directing the society; especially government. Research has showed that one of the best and most favorable conditions that make it possible for the British media to have such influential role in British society is because m edia practice has been clearly diversified in Britain (Gunter, 2000). What this means is that in almost every aspect of social practice, there is a line of media practice that caters for that aspect. For example in it will be noted that Britain is a socio-cultural community with the people following social passions such as religion, sports, politics, economics, tourism, show business, education, and the likes. For each of these areas also, there will be a kind of media outlet that clearly distinct itself in providing the needed information that followers of the said passion seek after (Williams and Carpini, 2000). There is another school of thought that states that the role of media in British society could be grouped into three major key functions and these are to entertain, educate and inform society (Berger, 1991). What this means is that the media in Britain is responsible to offering entertainment to the society through the combination of a number of society paradigms including show business and sports. The media is also expected to educate the society by providing authentic and unadulterated facts that correspond to current and historic issues. Finally, the media informs the public by bringing them up to date with what takes place in Britain as a country and the international world. 1.2 Media and politics In Britain, the media and politics are both considered as independent and interrelated. As far as independence is concerned, it can be said that both the media and politics are considered as two agencies that have extremely different roles to play in society (Dimmick, 1974). Each of these can also play its role without necessarily needing support or help from the other. Between the two agencies, this phenomenon of independence of the media and politics has generally been in place as a means of ensuring fairness in the delivery of their duties. Studies have actually showed that when the media does its work in a manner that it needs no support and assista nce from any political personality or political party, it is possible that the media can go about its tasks more fairly and devoid of any political favouritism and biases that may be seen in various reportage as a form of payback for any good done to the media by the political agency (Dennis, 2000). In the same way, when politicians go about their roles in a manner that clearly shows that they do not need any assistance from the media to survive, it is possible for
Monday, July 22, 2019
On Theory of Brief History of Translation Essay Example for Free
On Theory of Brief History of Translation Essay Abstract In general, since mankind started translation activities, the study of translation has never ceased. Discussions about translation have become so frequent that various translation theories have been formed gradually in Chinese. In this paper, Habermas’s theory of communicative action reinterpreting the concept of the understanding of translation studies, and Translation to indicate this special form of cross-cultural communication in how to effectively interpret metaphor. Keywords: theory of communicative action; metaphor comprehension; translation 1. Introduction Translation is a metaphor of language as the carrier of the cross-cultural communication activities, but also a language that will carry the message to another language to the inter subjectivity of communicative action. Inter subjectivity of communicative action for the research, after Germany modern philosopher Habermass theory of communicative action (Theory of Communication Action) opened the door for people new window. The theory is swelling in different philosophical ideas and views to choose based on the creation of a complex, multifaceted rational alliance system, it understood as the core language, based on critical theory of the financial community, general pragmatics, social evolution theory as a unified framework. 2. Under the theory of communicative action the concept of translation studies to understand 2. 1 Translation studies in the new way AC Zhu act theory. Translation Studies from the traditional structural linguistics semantic stage to stage, the development of transmission 90 to the 20th century deconstruction of the stage, after a lengthy process. Semantic translation of the traditional paradigm by the impact of the classical theory of knowledge, that man is the soul, the understanding of the object is totally dependent on the translators subjective feelings, emphasizing the translators understanding and inspiration, emphasis on spirit and Transformation, had gained the so-called flash in the pan. Because it is too much emphasis on the translators initiative to make this cross-cultural communication activities translate into a mystical practice. 80 years of the 20th century, structural linguistics in China set off a new upsurge in Translation Studies. People started to pay attention the text, try to use linguistic analysis methods instead of intuitive feeling that in the complicated hidden behind the words of a universal and regularities, as long as it can control the expression of all, making the translation into a simple mechanical operation, that is, the semantics of a target language are stored in the source language and regulations put a rule in the semantic content of thought into the preparation of. Obviously, such a tool and went to the other extreme too much emphasis on language as the object of the role of law, then followed by the fierce criticism of the ideological trend. Deconstruction gives people a new way of thinking. It broke structure, deconstruction of the system so that the provisions of one dollar to diversify the situation, the logical name translation from the language of Sri Lanka fetters doctrine, but still it will be translated once again into the irrational, too much publicity consciousness, so that interpretation becomes an infinite delay activity, the understanding and exchanges between people seems to have become impossible. How to overcome this ideology of intolerance, effective language as medium of intercultural communication activities? I believe that the use of Habermass theory of communicative action, for the translation of research to find a new way of reason. 2. 2 Translation understands the concept of re-interpretation. A French translator said: The translation is to understand and make people understand. Building understanding is the cornerstone of translation is the first step in the process of translation, not a good understanding of the translation step. When we think the theory of communicative action has opened a new translation of the windows, it is necessary to understand the concept of re-interpretation. Habermas believes that the language as a medium of social interaction, verbal communication to understand each other, or far from effective communication. Communicative action in the language, that language, the analysis can be regulated. Each speech acts and statements have the effect the dual structure. Purposes of section as the main statement, in the communication layer between the main body; and vice statement as part of statement, in the main contents of the table between the layers. Part of the implementation of speech acts in a decisive role, because it limits the relationship between language and the listener, but also the meaning of the Statute of the contents of the statement. The two structures in the speech act are interdependent. Sometimes words that are a part of which may be stressed, but it does not mean denying other part, but it only temporarily relegated to a secondary position. For example, my phone battery died, the phrase, seemed to be merely stating the fact that mobile phone battery is dead, but in fact it implies a variety of behavioral significance; ? because the battery died, so I just did not pick up the phone; ? I must go recharge; ? I will not carry a cell phone and with PHS, the PHS something please call me. This is the hidden part of the implementation of, According to the specific situation; it would serve the purposes of this or that effect. Searle that the idea of the original speaker, or intrinsic intentionality is converted to words, statements, signs, symbols, etc. , these words, statements, signs, symbols meaningful to speak out if they have a From the speakers thoughts in the derived intentionality. They not only have the traditional linguistic sense, but also with the intention of the speakers meaning. This is undoubtedly the words of Habermas and similar to the dual structure theory. Accordingly on the significance of understanding is also necessary to double the corresponding division. Understand a word should be divided into two to look at the presentation layer is the known what on the issue, and in the communication layer is the know-how of the problem. Know -what is the statement that those who understand how to reach such a clear knowledge and understanding that it can acquire the knowledge; from the perspective of those who understand, to ask him to be able to understand semantics, syntax, rules, line up the words, statements, mark the symbol what constitutes the meaning. know how is the statement that those who have the ability to construct or implement the ability of this speech act is an implicit awareness of the rules; from the perspective of those who understand, to ask him who can understand the speech of this implicit awareness of the rules. In this dual understanding, understanding of the content of verbal expression is an understanding (know-what), but to those who truly grasp the inner speech must enter double intentionality level understanding (know-how), that is part of the implementation of the understanding. Therefore, understanding can not be stuck in the form of a priori judgments must be reached in the communication process. to understand the goal is to guide a recognition that the sharing of knowledge, trust each other, the two international interdependence consistent with the subjective. It not only includes the traditional understanding of linguistic expressions, but also in connection with each other that the normative discourse related to the correctness of the background, and between the two main some kind of coordination , and the two participants in the process of communication is something the world to reach understanding, and the intention to make himself understood each other. 3. Metaphors Habermass theory of communicative action on the construction of translation studies methodology has the macro guidance of translation practice is also instructive significance? View of the Newmark said, metaphor translation is a microcosm of all the language translation, because translation to the translation of metaphor methods were showing a wide range of choices: either transfer its meaning, or reshape its image, or a modification of their, or their meaning and image of the perfect combination. The following instructions will use the metaphor theory of communicative action in cross-cultural communication The Interpretation of. Metaphor is a phenomenon of language use in the Dictionary not found in metaphor. Metaphor from the modern point of view of science should be in the form of metaphor with the exception, belong to different categories in the semantics, logic dislocation, resulting in a semantic conflict, and when the listeners have responded to the conflict, it generates a metaphorical sense, that is a metaphor to understand the words. For the metaphor of the operating mechanism, it was actually made such a description: Metaphor involves two different areas (areas) concept; the production of metaphorical meaning is the result of the interaction between the two concepts. This interaction by mapping the way in the mapping process, belonging to a related concept and structure of the field was transferred to another area, the final after the formation of a new synthesis of conceptual structure, that is, metaphorically. And this mapping and integration process is based on two areas of similarity in some respects. This is no doubt that the understanding of the need to double by metaphor. The process of understanding metaphors consist of two parts: the identification and metaphorical meaning metaphors inference. In fact this is a secondary level of understanding into the process of understanding. Give an example of people often referred to The tongue is a fire , from the presentation layer of understanding (an understanding), tongue by the American Heritage Dictionary defines this way: the fleshy, movable, muscular organ, attached in most vertebrates to the floor of the mouth, that is principal organ of taste, an aid in chewing, and swallowing, and, in human beings,, important organ of speech . We can say that the tongue is an important organ as the human body, the first and most vertebrates have the same taste and chew and auxiliary swallowing function, in addition to, or who have speech capabilities important language organ. to the basic meaning of the center, tongue behind the formation of the word meaning a large collection: it can mean something shaped like a tongue, such as tongue of flame (flame), guiding tongue (rail-oriented switch rail), switch tong (switch to copper), can also refer to human speech acts and speech capabilities, for example, hold ones tongue (keep silent), lose ones tongue (lose the capacity to speak, as from shock). The other key words in the speech act of fire, in the American Heritage Dictionary can be found in the following definition; a rapid, persistent chemical change that releases heat and light and is accompanied not flame. the same , the meaning behind it can be found in the collection, such as, cooking fire (cooking fire), forest fire (forest fire), wild fire (wildfires), the fire of cannon fire), and other specific forms of the fire. You can also find other meaning, such as the boy is full of fire (which decided the boy is very warm and excited), He was on fire for mismanagement (because of poor management and blamed). When the tongue and the fire both carry the meaning of their huge collection of words is embedded in the basic language of A is B frame (sentence) to go when the logical relationship between the two on the adoption of is, to interact. Is used to denote a equivalents. it literally, or change a point of view, the presentation layer from the listeners understanding of the term should be reasoning as follows: the tongue is a fire . is meaning that the two sets is in some ways equivalent. However, we are both from the above understanding of the meaning of the word of view, they clearly belong to two different categories, among them with a `is connected, the the equivalent of conventional logic does not work, so from the presentation layer, we can identify this is a metaphor, thus completing the first part of understanding metaphors. When the listener is clear that to use metaphorical language behavior, the expressed will of the true meaning of metaphors to infer, that understanding will enter the second stage of course, understand the purposes of this part of speech acts, understanding the original speakers thoughts, or inner intention. Can be assumed that if The tongue is a fire is said to give an artist is accused by the media to listen to, then the speaker or may contain a sympathetic glance report of intention. Artists are always much media attention, due to For various reasons, may be one-sided media, the exaggerated reports of certain facts, and spread such a report will be turned into a stumbling news and rumors, they will more or less to the artist himself or his cause to bring a number of trouble. The context is the equivalent of the tongue and the fire provides a logical possibility: the tongue the language of human organs the words of the act media coverage people reported adverse reactions (Wei news and rumors) to the artists themselves or their cause trouble (damage to reputation or hinder the cause of development), the fire will shine the chemical substances excessive light and heat of fire, destroying things, or even result in death, so that both the destruction of the found a similar function, logical reasoning tenable. The tongue is a fire means a variety of popular artists and no shortage of opinions and statements in the news or rumors coffee, they may attack their personality, or even because of their presence, the company lifted the employment relationship, or no one would dare ask this artistes. So we have reason to infer that the speaker is the issue of Renyankewei sigh, or cautioned entertainers say and pay attention to their own to avoid capture by the media hype after which her career. At this point, the listener to complete the original speech act of an effective understanding, guiding the listener and the speaker of some sort of recognition. Complete understanding of metaphor, must be made through an understanding (understanding of the content of verbal expression) to reach two to understand (the intrinsic intentionality of the speech understanding of those). In the same language system is the case, between systems in different languages should be so, because only then can an effective cross-cultural exchanges. How should we operate on the self-evident metaphor translation, or the preservation of the source language metaphor, or metaphor replaces the target language, or to have the target language dominance feasibility, as long as it helps the reader to complete the intention of listening comprehension. 3. 1 Preservation of the source language metaphor. When the Metaphor and figurative language and translation in the source completely or substantially the same language, the metaphor for the body of the source language, target language readers will have to listen to listen to readers of the source language similar to the psychological Lenovo, and complete understanding of similar intent, target language are advised to preserve the source language metaphor. such as: Links to Research (1) He is the only foxes. English fox, fox and Chinese refer to the same animal, when it was used as that person when they contain cunning in Italy, even listen to the reader and writer, said in a different language systems and cultural background, it can effectively understand the implementation of the partial speech act: be careful of this man, he is cunning. Another example: (2) think tank think tank Think tank in the Chinese culture does not exist in, but the library in Chinese culture, store things in the middle, so even though the people in Chinese culture has not been recognized with the library to describe the characteristics of thought The collection, but this library of knowledge to guide on English culture think tank , the identity, so library This Vehicle can save down. After all, this cross-cultural communication, we can not underestimate the listen to the readers understanding, not to deprive them of their understanding of rights. In the translation process, in order to achieve the purpose of cross-cultural communication, and sometimes need to work to preserve the source language metaphor, that metaphor at the same time preserve the source language to make the appropriate explanation. Such as: (3) What will it be when the increase of yearly production is brought to a complete stop? Here is the vulnerable place, the heel of Achilles, for capitalistic production. (Friedrich Engels, The Condition of the Working Class in England in 1844) If the complete cessation of growth in annual production, what the situation is going to do? Like Achilles heel, as this will be the Achilles heel of capitalist production.
Oedipus The King Essay Example for Free
Oedipus The King Essay Oedipus is written as a play, there is no narrator, Sophocles explains the story line and then runs the story into playwright. I like this point of view because it can sometimes be more clear to the reader. There are many points of view in this play. That is there are many different individuals addressed this playwright. Thus there are many different points of view. I think that Oedipus generally speaks in place of a narrator, because he is the main character. I believe he expresses some of the things that Sophocles is trying to say to the audience. An example of this is when he says: Speak out, speak to us all. I grieve for these, my people, far more that I fear for my own life. (Sophocles, 395) I think that Sophocles is trying to get people to speak their own mind, come together, and establish a community. He is saying this through Oedipus. Oedipus goes through many changes. He goes through a state of innocence or ignorance, then through a state of denial and finally a state of acceptance and guilt. Throughout these different stages in his life, he reveals to his audience who he really is. Oedipus believing he is innocent is part of the form in this play. Oedipus has come to the throne of Thebes by solving the Riddle of the Sphinx. There is a plague upon Thebes which Oedipus desires to heal. Creon returns to the palace after his visit to the Pythian House of Phoebus, an oracle. The oracle has said that the only way to cure the illness in Thebes is to find the man whom killed Laius, the previous king of Thebes. Odeipus tries to discover the murderer and requests that the murderer come forward and promises that instead of being killed, he will be banished from Thebes. If any man comes forward with the murderer he will be rewarded and if any guilty man is found and has not confessed, the murderer will be banished from all aspects of society. Tiresias, an aged, blind prophet is brought to Oedipus to reveal the murderer. Tiresias says that Oedipus unknowingly killed Laius. Disbelieving this, Oedipus blames Creon for plotting this against him to gain the throne of Thebes. Tiresias states his innocence and before he leaves the palace, he gives Oedipus a riddle: The murderer seemed an alien is really a native to Theban, was once poor and now is rich, is the brother of his children and the child of his wife, the heir to his fathers bed and the cause of his fathers death. The form in this part of the play, plays into the certain buildup of the plot. Now Creon comes to the palace after hearing of Oedipus charges against him. Oedipus questions Creon as to why Tiresias didnt come forward when the initial investigation of Laius death occured. Creon says he is happy with his position in court and has no desire to take the throne from Oedipus. He tells Oedipus that for proof he can go to the oracle at Pytho and ask if Creon is telling the truth. Jocasta, Oedipus wife, tells him that an oracle came to Laius saying that he would die by the hand of his child. Learning this Laius has his newborn son tied at the ankles and taken away to be killed. She says that Laius was killed by robbers on his way to the oracle at Delphi at the place where three roads meet. The content of this play is that of Greek tragedy, son of Laius, king of Thebes, and his wife, Jocasta. Laius had been warned by an oracle that he was fated to be killed by his own son; he therefore abandoned Oedipus on a mountainside. The baby was rescued, however, by a shepherd and brought to the king of Corinth, who adopted him. When Oedipus is grown, he learns from the oracle that he would kill his father and marry his mother. He fled Corinth to escape this fate, believing his foster parents to be his real parents. At a crossroad Oedipus encountered Laius(his father), and killed him. He continued on to Thebes, where the Sphinx was talking and all who could not solve her riddle. Oedipus answered it correctly and so he won the widowed queens hand(his mother). The prophecy was fulfilled. Two sons, Polynices and Eteocles, and two daughters, Antigone and Ismene, were born to the unwittingly incestuous pair. When a plague descended on Thebes, an oracle declared that the only way to rid the land of its illness was to expel the murderer of Laius. Through a series of painful revelations, the king learned the truth and in an agony of horror blinded himself. His daughters, Antigone and Ismene, are left in the hands of Kreon, who proves to be a true friend of Oedipus. The content of this play regarding time is that the time wasnt very specific, but it does say that Sophocles lived from 496-406 BC. The place on the other hand is very specific, it introduces you saying: The royal house of Thebes. Double doors dominate the facade, a stone altar stands at the center of the stage. Many years have passed since Oedipus has solved the riddle of the Sphinx and ascended the throne of Thebes, and now a plague has struck the city. A procession of priests enters ¦(Sophocles, 392) I think that this introduction leads the reader into a world of curiosity. We really dont know what is going to happen to Oedipus, all we know is there is a plague across the town that Oedipus must do something about. This leads the reader into Oedipus stages of innocence or ignorance, denial and finally guilt. The content in the choice of setting affects the theme because it makes this story more believable, in a time unfamiliar to us, long ago.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Different Aspects Of The Speech Presentation English Language Essay
Different Aspects Of The Speech Presentation English Language Essay Speech analysis is an evaluation of different aspects of the speech presentation. It is a critical skill to study a speech and how to deliver an effective speech. It is one of the twenty-five essential for a public speaker. It includes whether you attend the speech presentation, or view a video or read the speech text. Speech analysis is very important because the ability to analyze a speech will accelerate the growth of any speaker. It also will maximise the impact of the next speech presentation of a speaker. A common thing that happens after a speech is that you will start evaluating yourself right from the moment you leave the stage. Did everything go as planned? What did the audience think? Frequently, you will get so caught up in presenting your speech that you lose track of how the audience is reacting and responding. Thats why getting feedback after the speech is important, so you know what you did well and what you did poor. Thus, you can identify things that could make your speech even better. Body Incorrect method of the speech On the speech organization, first thing the speaker started with his introduction which is not organized at all, because he suddenly said, My speech isà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. without satisfying the audience and without revealing the topic. Moreover, he didnt explain what he is going to talk about in his speech. Thus, his introduction is poor while he didnt preview his general and its points. For the body organization, he didnt really show what is the major point of his speech. He used to explain some photos and using some examples with it. There is no clear idea about the way he organized his speech, he kept talking about some things which are not belong to the speech. Like changing from a topic to another without knowing where the beginning of it, he just said whatever came on his mind. The way he organized his speech is very direct and without any introductions of his ideas that he is going to talk about. In the end of the speech, he gave his personal opinion about the topic and how to go beyond your occupation, there is no specific purpose in his speech. There is no clear summary for his topic and he was like giving his personal idea only. On the language, in the first place, the speaker having trouble in saying what he wants to say. This might be the weakness of the speech muscles. For example, like the muscles of the face, tongue, and lips. The speaker also may have different speech characteristics. One of them is the speaker difficult to put sounds and syllables together in the correct order to form words. Longer words are usually harder to say than shorter words. Besides, he also made mistakes when speaking. The speaker may try saying a word several times before he said it correctly. Additionally, the speaker may not be able to communicate effectively with speech, and may need the help of additional communication methods. On the speech delivery, the speaker supposes speaking extemporaneously by uses only a set of brief notes or a speaking outline to jog the memory. However, besides using a set of brief notes, the speaker has relied on the presentation slide of the power point from the laptop to read to his audience for his speech presentation. On the other hand, on the speakers voice, although the speakers voice volume is loud enough for a small size of audience in a classroom, he gradually speak softly and not loudly when the time he read the script from the presentation slide of the power point from the laptop, the audience cannot hear clearly. The speaker also fall into repetitions pitch patterns that are just as hypnotic as a monotone. Although overall the speaker is not speaking too fast, he did mistakes again when the time he read the script from the presentation slide of the power point from the laptop. He is speaking so quickly that the audience lose track of his ideas. In addition, the speaker does too many pauses especially when every time he is forgot the script. Furthermore, when he does pause, he also pauses at the middle of thought units. This may distract audience from his ideas. Most important, one of the major mistakes that he made is he fill the silence with vocalized pauses such as uh, er, and um. This annoying the audience and they create negative perceptions about the speakers intelligence. Moreover, the speaker spoke extemporaneously with poor vocal variety. He did not develop a lively and expressive voice throughout the speech. On the speakers body, his physical actions affect much the outcome of his speech. Based on the personal appearance, the speaker wore a simple casual clothes and a hat during his speech. Its not a suitable attire clothes while you give a formal speech to audience. He also wear a cap during a speech, it shows disrespect to the audience. Besides, the speaker did a big mistake in his movement. He shakes his body here and there while talking. Sometimes, his body faces back or side to the audience. Next, is the gestures mistake that he had made. He moved too much of his hand throughout the speech. Sometimes he put his two hands inside his pocket; sometimes he let them hang at the sides; even sometimes he wring his finger and gently pat the table to retrieval his memory. These gestures that the speaker makes draw attention to themselves and distract from his message. The last mistake which he had made is his eye contact. He has almost no eye contact throughout the speech. He kept looking up and down from the laptop then back to audience again. It is the biggest mistake and the obvious part that he had made in this overall speech. Even sometimes, he closes his eyes to recall his memory. Suggestion of the correct method to improve the speech On the speech organization, the right organization that the speaker has to do is to gather his ideas and support the ideas with the right materials to send the clear idea of his speech, and as we said before, the writer didnt announce his specific purpose he announced only the general idea of his speech. He has to work on his speech by choosing the right methods of organizing the ideas and the points to be clear to the audience. Moreover, he has to support the ideas with statistics, examples or testimony, but he only used one method with is the examples but it was not on its right place, because he kept on giving examples about his opinion. The speaker should have organized his speech under the topical order because his general idea is about the host club so it is about a topical speech. On the language, basically there are some language techniques that the speaker can use for an effective speech. First, adjectives. Adjectives are the simple persuasive language. Second, repetition. It can be used for emphasis. By the way, it ensures the audiences are listening because repetition catches the ear. Third, asking question. Of course, the list of the speech is not complete without the question. This is an effective speech because it requires an audience response. It is also important for the speaker to remember that the language used in a presentation. Use only professional language to the audience. The speaker has to make sure that correct grammar and word choices are used through the presentation. On the speech delivery, because of the speaker supposes speaking extemporaneously, he should well-prepare and rehearse for several times for the speech which is just presented from a brief set of notes and no other materials. On the other hand, on the speakers voice, the speaker need to maintain his loudness throughout his speech and need to talk louder when the audience look puzzled, are leaning forward in their seats, or are otherwise straining to hear. The speaker also has to work on varying pitch patterns either upward or downward to fit the meaning of his words of the speech. Again the speaker has to maintain the rate he speaks throughout his speech, not too fast especially a slower tempo is needed when he is explaining complex information that is not familiar to the audience. In addition, when the speaker does pauses, he should make sure his pause at the end of thought units. Most important, to ensure the speaker do not filled with vocalizations such as uh, er, and um when every time he is forgot the script, he has to practice the speech several times using only the speaking outline as practice makes perfect. Moreover, when giving the speech, the speaker should modulate his voice to communicate his ideas and feelings. On the speakers body, posture, facial expression, gestures, and eye contact will affect the way audience respond to him. Based on the personal appearance, he should wear an at least formal suit and formal trousers. He has to take off his cap while giving the speech as it shows disrespect to the audience. Besides, on the movement, what he has to do is to stand straight and sometimes just move a little is possible. He body should also just face front to the audience. Next, on the gestures, he should only move his hand when he emphasizes any keywords. Eventually, on the eye contact, he should direct visual contact with the eyes of audience to help gauge his truthfulness, intelligence, attitudes, and feelings. He should also prepare a speaking outline before his speech and practice or memorize some parts of the speech to avoid mistakes happened by looking on the laptop by the audience. Conclusion In summary, weve covered three ways to give feedback from watching a video recording of a speakers speech. For the first viewing, we recommended listening to audio only for the speech organization and writing down word for word what the speaker actually said. Next, for the second viewing, we recommended listening closely to language that has been speaking by the speaker. Finally, for the third viewing, we recommended looking for speech delivery. Speech delivery includes methods of delivery, the speakers voice, and the speakers body. Particularly, we recommended looking deeply for any distractive or repetitive mannerisms to polish and refine the speakers speech delivery. When you implement these tips, you will not only look more professional, but you will feel more confident in your speech presentation as you make a greater your impact on your audience.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
America Doesnt Need Gun Control at Gun Shows Essay -- Constituton Bil
America Doesn't Need Gun Control at Gun Shows Gun control has been a highly debated issue for several years. In the past this debate has led to the passage of gun control legislation, the most prominent bill being the Brady Bill. However, the national legislation concerning gun control only applies to licensed gun dealers. This has left a huge gun control loophole at the national level, because unlicensed dealers and private collectors are not required to conduct background checks on potential customers before selling them a weapon. Recently, this loophole has become the center of the gun control debate. Those who support gun control at gun shows (generally liberals) are saying that it is necessary to restrict the sale of firearms at gun shows because convicted felons and known terrorists are currently able to obtain weapons from gun shows. The other side of the debate (generally conservatives) contends that the enforcement of gun control at gun shows is a wasted effort and will only cause mounds of unnecessary pap erwork. The National Rifle Association published â€Å"Anti-gun groups†¦Ã¢â‚¬ by Jim Pate on their website. This article quite obviously presents a strongly conservative view as would be expected from the NRA on issue of tougher gun control laws. Since it is published on the National Rifle Association’s website, Pate is able to use an aggressive approach to the issue, which is effective because his audience agrees with his views against stricter gun control. Pate also incorporates strong pathos into this article through his word choice, which he uses to arouse negative emotions in the reader toward advocates of gun control. He weaves a great deal of logos into his writing as well by citing many facts and m... citizens serves more than a corrupt political agenda. By extension, it lends support to those who hate America’s freedom and seek to destroy our way of life†(par.23). Although this metaphor is really nothing more than an example of name calling, Pate uses it to associate the emotions Americans have toward terrorists with the gun control campaign which will win more support for Pate and his views against gun control at gun shows. Works Cited Pate, Jim. â€Å"Anti-gun groups, led by Americans for Gun Safety, have teamed up behind U.S. Sen. John McCain to exploit terrorism in order to advance their gun control agenda. Their first target of opportunity is the traditional American gun show.†The National Rifle Association. 15 Feb 2002. (21 March 2002) America Doesn't Need Gun Control at Gun Shows Essay -- Constituton Bil America Doesn't Need Gun Control at Gun Shows Gun control has been a highly debated issue for several years. In the past this debate has led to the passage of gun control legislation, the most prominent bill being the Brady Bill. However, the national legislation concerning gun control only applies to licensed gun dealers. This has left a huge gun control loophole at the national level, because unlicensed dealers and private collectors are not required to conduct background checks on potential customers before selling them a weapon. Recently, this loophole has become the center of the gun control debate. Those who support gun control at gun shows (generally liberals) are saying that it is necessary to restrict the sale of firearms at gun shows because convicted felons and known terrorists are currently able to obtain weapons from gun shows. The other side of the debate (generally conservatives) contends that the enforcement of gun control at gun shows is a wasted effort and will only cause mounds of unnecessary pap erwork. The National Rifle Association published â€Å"Anti-gun groups†¦Ã¢â‚¬ by Jim Pate on their website. This article quite obviously presents a strongly conservative view as would be expected from the NRA on issue of tougher gun control laws. Since it is published on the National Rifle Association’s website, Pate is able to use an aggressive approach to the issue, which is effective because his audience agrees with his views against stricter gun control. Pate also incorporates strong pathos into this article through his word choice, which he uses to arouse negative emotions in the reader toward advocates of gun control. He weaves a great deal of logos into his writing as well by citing many facts and m... citizens serves more than a corrupt political agenda. By extension, it lends support to those who hate America’s freedom and seek to destroy our way of life†(par.23). Although this metaphor is really nothing more than an example of name calling, Pate uses it to associate the emotions Americans have toward terrorists with the gun control campaign which will win more support for Pate and his views against gun control at gun shows. Works Cited Pate, Jim. â€Å"Anti-gun groups, led by Americans for Gun Safety, have teamed up behind U.S. Sen. John McCain to exploit terrorism in order to advance their gun control agenda. Their first target of opportunity is the traditional American gun show.†The National Rifle Association. 15 Feb 2002. (21 March 2002)
Friday, July 19, 2019
Carl Friedrich Gauss Essay -- essays research papers
Carl Friedrich Gauss      This report is on Carl Friedrich Gauss. Gauss was a German scientist and mathematician. People call him the founder of modern mathematics. He also worked in astronomy and physics. His work in astronomy and physics is nearly as significant as that in mathematics. Gauss also worked in crystallography, optics, biostatistics, and Making mechanics.      Gauss was born on April 30, 1777 in Brunswick. Brunswick is what is now called West Germany. He was born to a peasant couple. Gauss's father didn't want Gauss to go to a University. In elementary school he soon impressed his teacher, who is said to have convinced Gauss's father that his son should be permitted to study with a view toward entering a university. In secondary school nobody recognize his is talent for math and science because he rapidly distinguished himself in ancient languages. When Gauss was 14 he impressed the duke of Brunswick with his computing skill. The duke was so impressed that he generously supported Gauss until his death in 1806.      Gauss conceived almost all his basic mathematical discoveries between the ages of 14 and 17. In 1791 he began to do totally new and innovative work in mathematics. In 1793-94 he did intensive research in number theory, especially on prime numbers. He made this his life's passion and is regarded as its modern founder.      Gaus...
Children with Autism :: Autism Brain Disorder Essays
Children with Autism Abstract By identifying autism, many other facts are then discovered including the different effects of autism and the way it can be treated. Children with autism will mostly always experience language problems, restricted interests and activities, as well as sensory and intellectual problems. This occurs because of a brain disorder that influences the way the brain uses the information. Although some children with autism do not speak at all, that doesn’t mean that none of the patients speak. Some may repeat words or mimic sentences or phrases they have observed from someone else. As of yet there is no cure for autism, but there is a great amount of different medications that work very well at reducing the symptoms. Thesis Occurring in all races and social backgrounds around the world, autism is found four times more often in boys and usually the first-born (Autism Society Manitoba, 2001). According to Edition 5 of Mosby’s Medical, Nursing and Allied Health Dictionary, autism is a mental disorder characterized by extreme withdrawal and an abnormal absorption in fantasy, accompanied by delusion, hallucination, and inability to communicate verbally or otherwise relate to people. It is a lifelong disorder that obstructs ones capability to comprehend what is seen, heard, and touched. This causes profound problems in personal behavior and in the ability to relate to others. One with autism must learn how to communicate appropriately and to relate to people, objects and events. Even though a lot of patients that undergo autism have a lot of similar indications, they do not all suffer from the same degree of impairment. There is a full spectrum of symptoms, which can range from mild to severe (NA AR, 2002). Autism occurs in as many as one or two per one thousand people. Of those people, approximately fifty percent will never speak. By identifying autism many other facts are then discovered including the different effects of autism and the way it can be treated. Autism is a brain disorder that influences the way the brain uses and transmits information. Studies have found abnormalities in several parts of the brain that almost certainly occurred during fetal development. The problem may be centered in the parts of the brain responsible for processing language and information from the senses. One with autism will have language problems, restricted interests and activities, as well as sensory and intellectual problems (Cohen, 1987).
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Safety in China
In every activity we undertake, safety should prevail. Safety is very important for well living in terms of health and finances. This is because any individual who seeks safety by protecting him or herself lives free from harms, diseases and infections, thus spending little if any on treatments. This enhances saving of finances which could otherwise be spent on medication, and these funds can be used later to make other developments, or purchase other necessary goods and services. This shows the role of safety in life. Harms and damages may be caused by fire, traffic, occupational activities, as well as disasters whether natural or man made. In all these cases, we need to know the possible impact of the safety against these harms and based of individuals animals, businesses, premises as well as the entire society. China is geographically located on the Eastern side of Asia between Vietnam and North Korea. The country has diverse climate, characterized by subarctic in north and tropical in south. The country is exposed to various natural hazards such as floods which damage many things, earthquakes, tsunami, typhoons and drought among others. The country is rich in terms of natural resources as it produces hydropower potential, petroleum, natural gas and aluminum among many others. China is the forth largest country in the world, and part of the country hosts the tallest mountains peak in the world. According to the 2007 estimation, the country has a population of 1,321,851,888, a population growth of 0. 6%, with birth rare of 13. 5 births per a thousand populations, and a death rate of seven deaths per a thousand populations. The infant mortality rate is twenty two per a thousand live births and life expectancy of seventy three years at birth. China has 9. 326,410 sq Km of land and 270,550 sq of water with the coastline covering about 14,500 KM. Geographically China lies on 3500 N and 105 00 E. The Chinese have an intermediate degree of risk to major infectious diseases such as food and waterborne disease, vector borne diseases, water and animal diseases and very rarely avian influenza. (CIA 2008). An average of 91% of Chinese total population is literate, with the individuals aged fifteen and above able to read and write. Every Chinese individual is entitled to getting mandatory education. The country has 961,000 schools with 1,080 colleges and universities. Majority of these colleges and universities have online websites. Generally the China education system covers the preschool to college and universities levels, (Premier 2007). The China has a market oriented economy with many private sectors developing which has played a major role in the global economy. The GDP as per the 2007 estimate is 87. 043 trillion, 885,300 of PPP. The labor force is 803. 3 million as per the 2007 estimate. The unemployment rate is about 4% with 8% of the Chinese population living below poverty line. The household income rate ranges from 1. 6% to 35% (Harper 2005). According to the 2007 estimation of China budget, the expenditures out weighs the revenues, and has a 19% of GDP as public debt. The communication in China is composed of telephones which use main line and mobile cellular. The mobile cellular move used, compared to main line, according to 2006 estimate. There is also television and radio broadcast stations (Peterson 2002). Various modes of transport are used in China. Among these include airports, where there are those with paved runways and unpaved runways, the heliports, pipelines for gases and refined products, railways, waterways and roadways which are the commonly used transports among all Fire can be caused by various factors. Many lives and goods are lost as a result of fire disaster. It is very important to create safety against fire to minimize the risks related to fire. In China most of fire fighting agencies are the country’s army part and citizens undergoes the training which is divided into subcategories. These subcategories include drills, construction concerns, and simulations. The trainees can be trained by a 26-minute training DVD which are made in away to help the fire fighters to effectively and compassionately work with disabled individuals. The fire fighters Agencies in China include the public Agency. For any citizen to become fire fighter, there are several characters he or she need to have. This is barely because the job involves helping people who are in great need of the help, while risking your own health and life. Fire fighters have a unique character. When all other people are moving away from fire incident, the fire fighters tend to move closer to the fire, to put it off. This means that for any citizen to become an effective fire fighter, he or she need to be courageous and ready to save other people lives and ready to risk his or her life. The fire fighter are not only involved with putting out fires and saving other peoples lives, but they also constantly care about the people’s health making the society a better place to live. This brings the need for any citizen who intends to become a firer fighter to be devoted and not selfish. Citizen willing to become a fire fighter is expected to take psychological and physical examination, and to undergo a background and criminal check. The individual are expected to be self motivated without attitude. The citizen is expected to have empathy on others and have the ability to support people in all situations. A citizen with these abilities and who passes the exams are considered to be able to fight fire. In China, the fire fighters get their training involving in various activities and handling various equipments. They engage in responding to emergency calls, duties that require keeping watch, driving fire trucks and operating the fire trucks. The fire fighter learns manual and mechanical operation of the fire truck ladders. These practices needs to be handled in various locations, including inside buildings where they are expected to learn the amount of ventilation in building and how to increase without deteriorating the scene. They learn skills on how to enter into buildings on fire using the safest entrance. This shows that the training is not restricted to a specific area or location of training, but rather in various places depending on the skills being learnt to enhance proper practice. Safety against fire can be gained by using building code and fire codes. Although all building materials can be damaged by fire though at different heat degrees, the spread of the fire can be minimized by using building codes. (Thygerson 2008). Use of building codes enhances good public health, general welfare and safety. The building codes are used by engineers, architect and other manufacturers of products used in building, as well as insurance manager and tenants. Due to the distinct climatic zones in China, building codes are used. These codes are developed by code compilation committees which have high industrial involvement, and they are reviewed by the public, approved then the ministry of construction adopts them. These China building energy codes saves 35-50% energy in a 10% less cost increased as compared to other buildings. DEO II and other simulation software at LBNL, enhances software transfer and codes drafting where implementation activities are reviewed. Various zones have been covered in China, and the heating zone of North was covered by the code first, the residential code followed in cold winter and hot summer regions. The cooling of the warm winter and hot summer consumed a lot of energy, without heating. The commercial and government building are yet to get public building codes as they are in the process of being developed. (IEA 2006). The building codes in China played roles in heating the houses in colds winters and cooling the houses in warm and hot summers. Initially the fire codes were not translated into Chinese, until 2004 after the signing of agreement between National Technical committee for fire protection, Fire department commute, the China public security ministry and the National fire protection Association. They agreed to translate the 26 NFPA code. The translation was to be followed with training where individual would get the knowledge on how to apply the codes. This was aimed at enhancing life safety for the Chinese, and visitors who were to join the country for Olympics. Among these codes is the NFPA 1 uniform fire code, which was edited in 2003, NFPA 13E, NFPA 72, National alarm code which was edited in 2002, NFPA 101, life safety code which was edited in 2000, NFPA 230, standard for the fire protection of storage which was edited in 2003, NFPA 921, guide for fire and explosion investigation which was edited in 2004 among others in China, a GB316-87, is the current national standard Building design code which was edited in 2001 with the aim to control building fires. Kelly 2000). The National technical committee and China public security ministry are responsible for fire prevention in China. The PRC has come up with law which enhances fire prevention by ensuring that all residential buildings have a clear emergency exit. Generally the Chinese people feel the need for safety. This is evidenced after the several fire disasters which have oc curred in the country. Despite the need for this safety, many builders and new-home buyers tend to assume the need. This is because, by use of these fire stops and better fire resistance rating materials the costs of construction and subsequent cost of buying the built house increases. In 1999, a severe fire disaster occurred in a village of Eastern province of Saudi Arabia. A high number of people were involved, and the following year, others died, while others remained hospitalized. Around fourteen patients were referred to UK and USA for further medication. Rapid motorization has caused severe challenge to driving safety in China. Research has showed that most of the Chinese drivers usually have unsafe driving behaviors, recommending improved training methods and enforcement of good driving behaviors by the police. The Chinese drivers consider use of driving skills and capabilities rather than practical safe driving guidelines. The Chinese drivers rarely use running light in snowy weather, few of the drivers don’t use safety belts and very few of them use turn signals as well as headlights. The automobiles in China were developed in 1986, and the output rapidly. These automobiles are high-class consumer durable containing low household ownership in China. In 2005, China started producing sedans. The death rate of Chinese in relation to motor vehicle is high, but not as the rate in United States. Chinese have more of the injury death associated with drowning, suicide, unlike the United States whose motor vehicle clashes rate is more compared to suicide and drowning. In China its easy to get driving license especially for individuals from other states, an individual is required to present a passport copy, a copy of driving license from their state, four red-color photos and 1,880 Hong Kong dollars. The applicant then sits for traffic rule examination and road tests follows, the applicant drives the vehicle for very few minutes as a practical examination, and after two weeks, driver’s license is ready. This means to get drivers license in China is easy because one can even refers the answer to the questions from the book. According to the Chinese culture, alcohol drinking is an important cultural aspect, believed to enhance, colleagues and leaders relationship, and to promote happy life when in festivals with friends, relatives and family members. In China, there is no minimum alcohol taking age, Alcohol-related injuries account for a third of total injuries in China, and the Chinese government made a traffic safety law in 2004. In China, there has been set penalty for drivers who drink while driving, and a different one for drivers who are found drunk when driving. For the drinking drivers, the driving license can be suspended for an average of two month, and a fine of an average of 50 US dollars. For the drunk drivers suspension of driving license takes an average of five month and the driver can end up into custody, and/or about 230 US dollars fine. WHO considers the Chinese most collisions to have resulted from violation of traffic rules, arguing that the poor road conditions, lack of necessary measures and ineffective prevention measures also contribute to the deaths, where farmers and businessmen are the major victims. According to Chinese automobile fatalities are preventable, but this contradicts with the cultural practices because what can be used to prevent the fatalities, the Chinese culture has great value for them. A good example for this is drinking. There has been no major motor vehicle accident in China, but minor cases have been reported throughout China, causing few severe and minor injuries to the victims. The International Labor Organization, State Administration of Work Safety as well as China International Forum of work safety are some of the organizations in China, which have been working to promote safety of workers at their work places. One of the most dangerous work places in China is the coalmines. Education and training of safety inspectors are the major keys which can underpin safety culture. The coal mining industry training in China is offered in four institutional types. The level A and level B institutions are involved with training the mine managers and safety controllers, level C institutions trains special occupational workers with special skills unlike those given to manager and controllers. The level D institution trains mine workers at the mining sites. (OS and HC 2001). The occupational safety inspectors require the training on how to maintain safety while working, and the need for the safety. An underground gas- triggered earthquake in Northeast China killed at least two hundred and two people. The president leaders and local officials made efforts to rescue the victims and put strict measures that would prevent similar and other disasters at mining site, and compensated the victims’ families. The Chinese work hard and with diligence. They believe that hard work has a lot for them in terms of benefits, incomes and generally good living standards. All Chinese keep this as their drive force, whereby all individuals work hard to earn living. Migrant workers put extra efforts when working in China, and the wages they get in return are very low. Not all Chinese are hard work, but since no country has a universal cultural trait, the general description of Chinese is that they are hard working. They are status-obsessed, greedy and envious of their social betterment. These traits are the driving force of Chinese to hard working. The riches of the Chinese are not achieved from the parents’ financial background, but rather from the efforts of their hard work. Various trade unions have been formed in China. These unions are aimed at protecting the legitimate rights and interests or workers. Among these unions is the All China Federation of Trade Unions which collectively bargains for the workers in the management. The union represents the workers interest in wage negotiations, while enhancing job security. Occupational illnesses and injuries cost China a lot. Most of these illnesses are caused by inhaling of dusts at mining sites and include, chronic lung diseases, pneumoconiosis. According to legal daily, the GAWS, said that about seven hundred million of Chinese suffer occupational illnesses, and there is a high possibility of the number to increase. (Chow 2003). There are other illnesses and injuries related to the Chinese occupation, but the ones that result from mining are the majority and have severe effects to individual and businesses. Although some businesses gives sick leaves, not all of them give a considerable duration of the leave for fire fighters in China, some fire houses gives a day to two medical leave for fighters but its given to workers with severe injuries. Minor injuries like sprains, injuries and cuts are not considered. The city argued that workers who seek on-duty injury leaves should be penalized because the union fosters the decision to seek the sick leaves. The ILO urges China to create more and better jobs to meet the economy surges, of filling jobs. This is because China’s economy is booming but the labor is scarce. The ILO reported that there is a decrease in creation of jobs in China, compared to the GDP growth. There has been a high ratio of unemployed Chinese in relation to the entire Chinese population. ILO reported that the shedding of jobs at poorly performing states owned business has caused loss of many jobs, and the shifting from long-term structural shift to employment-intensive growth as the country modernizes have resulted to mediocre rate in creation of job. ILO urges China to participate in education and training system to avail skilled technicians and workers. The trained personnel and thought to ensure long term transition plans are effective which would produce greater valued goods and services. In China occupational accidents are so frequent especially at mine sites and despite it all, Chinese continue to work at the mines. Despite the deaths which result from these accidents, the Chinese continue to work to earn for their living. The International Strategy for disaster reduction and UN/ISDR have been participating in preventing and minimizing risks associated with natural and manmade disasters in China. In July 1931, a severe flood occurred in China, which led to 3,700,000 deaths. The disaster was as a result of flooding of yellow river in China. In 1920, Gansu earthquake occurred in China killing 200,000 people. (Brown 2002). The WHO report, indicates that China is one of the major tobacco consuming countries, with subsequent death, and to limit this, the WHO report emphasized on preventing the tobacco consumption by giving anti-smoking messages to the public. In another WHO report, China was among the countries which were found to be operating in a level accepted by WHO in terms of compliance with its principles of good manufacturing practices. The tobacco consumption in China, as well as other lung infections related to mining dust is some of the specific threats faced by the Chinese. . According to WHO report, Chinese population is under the risk of chronic diseases, children malnutrition, under nutrition and overweight, anemia resulting from under nutrition and poor sanitation. These risks if not sorted out can have great negative impact to the entire Chinese population. Other diseases which increase the Chinese mortality rate include HIV /AIDS, malaria infection, and tuberculosis among others. Deaths, injuries and damage of premises are some of the major threats faced by the Chinese as a result of various disasters. These disasters affect individuals, organizations as well as the entire population in the Chinese society, whether directly or indirectly The WHO recommends support from governmental, and non governmental organization to enhance health workforce and financial support, which are thought to ensure effective treatment of infected and affected people in China. China is one of the countries mostly affected by disasters due to its geographical and physical feature. The disasters are also enhanced by involvement of people in various activities thus the manmade disasters. These disasters greatly affect the social and economic development of the Chinese. Various disasters have been reported to have occurred in China, including floods, earthquakes, firers, drought, seismic and ecological disasters among others. (Thygerson 1977). However, no history report has indicated volcano eruption or possibility of eruption. Threats posed by disasters are related to property, life and individuals’ safety as well as the country’s safety in terms of economy and society. These China’s social stability and national security are inhibited by the disasters and due to fear of investors, China economic development comes to halt, which promotes poverty in the country. The disasters made by man in China include the virus, biological warfare, chemical warfare and the development of nuclear weapons by man. (Abramowitz 2002). Both natural and man made disasters have similar threat to the Chinese population. A lot of injuries and deaths’ have resulted in China from disasters whether, natural or manmade. In China, flooding is a major killer of lives in China. Below is a table showing the top ten natural disasters in China, including the resulting death and injury toll. The Chinese blame Japanese, claiming that they cause most of the experienced disasters. They relate manmade disasters to the Japanese action. They regard civil war as a process in which a nation moves despite the war effects. Despite the many likes lost as a result of these disasters the Chinese population takes heart and continues with their work activities. This is common in mining sites, because the disasters are frequently reported but Chinese continue working at the mine site to earn for their living. (Heming and Philpee 2001).
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