Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Oedipus The King And Oedipus At Colonus - 1567 Words
The role of hubris, a theme commonly present throughout the works of Sophocles and particularly evident in Oedipus the King and Oedipus at Colonus, not only exalts the Greek nationalism present at the date of composition but dictates the course of the story, evolving as its tragic hero works through his fated anguish. Hubris, defined as exaggerated pride or self-confidence, is the earmark character trait of Oedipus and perhaps Creon. However, it is the abandonment of his sanctimonious nature that distinguishes Oedipus as a true hero. The theme of the evolution and role in the downfall of men by this overly zealous pride may be traced throughout Oedipus the King and Oedipus at Colonus, as it is only by his radical reversal of mind-set that one may deem Oedipus a hero. –more– In the opening scene of the first play in the trilogy, Oedipus the King, Sophocles depicts Oedipus as a man of great stature, ruling his lands justly but hints at his own catastrophic fate condemned by his overly arrogant conduct. Initially, Oedipus exhibits intelligence, love and concern for his subjects, and deep-rooted wisdom, upholding a reputation of high moral standards. His wisdom, however, becomes self-righteous, his arrogance becoming very clear on the eighth line of his opening monologue, â€Å"Here I am – myself – you all know me, the world knows my fame: I am Oedipus. †(159). The irony of this statement rests behind the notion that Oedipus’s fame will be known and surpass the ages, but it isShow MoreRelatedOedipus The King, And Oedipus At Colonus1065 Words  | 5 PagesAlong with Oedipus the King, and Oedipus at Colonus, Antigone is one of Sophocles’ three Theban tragic plays estimated to have been written – or at least perfor med for the first time - in 442 BCE. At the start of the play it is communicated that Antigone, along with her sister Ismene, are the sole surviving children of Oedipus. Their brothers, Polyneices and Eteocles, have recently been killed in a battle in which they fought on opposing sides. Polyneices led a mercenary force to conquer Thebes,Read MoreOedipus The King And Oedipus At Colonus Essay1261 Words  | 6 Pagesbetween Antigone and Creon, family and politics. However, in Oedipus at Colonus, the play merges all the conflicts happened to former plays and enhances the theme of the story. The later part of this trilogy, especially the ending of Oedipus the King and Oedipus at Colonus, reveals a darker and deeper phenomenon of Thebes and projects it to Oedipus. The prophet plays important role of forming the story line and tragic image of Oedipus, but the root causing the series of tragedy of the charactersRead MoreOedipus The King, And Oedipus At Colonus1343 Words  | 6 Pages Oedipus, a play written by Sophocles, has become a staple in the study of a Tragic hero in classic literature. When this was written in the fifth century, theatre was more than a means of entertainment but almost a religious event. Robert Fagles goes even further by saying that†theatre was not only a religious festival; it was also an aspect of the city’s political life.†(Fagles) . Greek dramas were presented only twice a year during religious festivals that honored Dionysus, the god of winesRead More Comparing Creons Metamorphosis in Antigone, Oedipus the King, and Oedipus at Colonus1114 Words  | 5 PagesCreons Metamorphosis in Antigone, Oedipus the King, and Oedipus at Colonus     Temptation is ever present in our society and always has been throughout human history. When a person gives into temptation, this is seen as a sign of weakness. Usually, after a person has given into temptation once, that person will find each successive temptation easier and easier to give in to. Before realizing it, this person has changed into a completely false, morally lacking being. Over the course of SophoclesRead MoreOedipus Rex By Oedipus The King1206 Words  | 5 PagesOedipus’ evolution throughout the Theban plays is one with fascinating twists and turns. Oedipus’ characterisation evolves and changes as he experiences the fall from being the great ruler of Thebes into a blind beggar who is tortured by what he did. As the stories progress, so does their protagonist to the point where the Oedipus of the second play is a completely different man. In Oedipus Rex, the main character is portrayed as a strong and clever yet arrogant king whose ignora nce leads him toRead MoreOedipus Trilogy Analysis1214 Words  | 5 PagesAnalysis of The Oedipus Trilogy Oedipus Rex, or Oedipus Tyrannus as it is in Latin, could be what we call today a Freudian work of literature. The Oedipus Trilogy was originally written by Sophocles and is meant to be told in a story-telling fashion. But this Grecian tragedy was revised and translated into English by Paul Roche and put into a novel form. The Oedipus Trilogy is a novel that deals with destiny and fate. The reader is shown a series of events plotted out from which Oedipus cannot escapeRead MoreCharacter Development in the Oedipus Cycle875 Words  | 4 PagesIn the Oedipus Cycle Sophocles conveys a powerful message through his charactersÂâ€"that with experience comes wisdom, and with wisdom comes the ability to see the truth. Oedipus is the man of unyielding pride and arrogance, Creon, his brother, is the crafty politician, and Antigone, the daughter of Oedipus, is perceptive and righteous. These three characters personae play a major role in making the idea of truth tangible. In the beginning of Oedipus Rex, Oedipus is still riding on the powerRead MoreEssay on Hope in Oedipus at Colonus2217 Words  | 9 PagesHope in Oedipus at Colonus     The Greek tragedy Oedipus at Colonus was written by the renowned Greek playwright Sophocles at around 404 B.C.. In the play, considered to be one of the best Greek dramas ever written, Sophocles uses the now broken down and old Oedipus as a statement of hope for man. As Oedipus was royalty and honor before his exile from his kingdom of Thebes he is brought down to a poor, blind old man who wonders, â€Å"Who will receive the wandering Oedipus today?†(Sophocles 283)Read MoreNoting Details1540 Words  | 7 Pagesby Sopocles is characterization. In Oedipus the King, Sophocles used characterization to portray Oedipus as the tragic hero. A third literary device used in the play is flashback, which is where the story switches from the present to an event that occurred in the past. The most important literary device in the play is dramatic irony. It is frequently used throughout most of the play. For example, when Creon tells Oedipus about the gods curse on Thebes, Oedipus puts his own curse on the murderer ofRead MoreActing on Emotion938 Words  | 4 Pagesexample, Oedipus is one of Sophocles’ characters that allowed his actions to be ruled by his emotions when he was traveling along the road. Laius’ group passed and the leader and the master ordered him out of the way. The driver shoved Oedipus out of the way and in fury he struck the driver. But the master (Laius) saw it and as Oedipus passed, he struck Oedipus on the head. But Oedipus, in a fit of rage, killed everyone in the party not knowing that the master was Laius, his father. Oedipus is ruled
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Finance Example
Essays on Finance Essay ACTIVITY 2: British Airways – Trends One-off Analysis    2008 2007 2006   Profit Loss Account  Turnover 8,753 8,492 8,213 Operating Expenses 7,878 7,936 7,519 Operating Profit 875 602 694 Retained Profit 680 290 451   Balance Sheet   Total Fixed Assets 7,019 7,099 7,438 Investments 2,231 1,226 1,380 Stock 109 74 77 Debtors due within one year 574 635 664 Cash at bank and in hand 433 662 326 Creditors: within one year 4,498 4,798 4,439 Creditors: more than one year 4,712 5,380 6,518 In the above table, a snapshot of British Airways’ Performance and its trend and one-off analysis has been established. The more detailed discussion on the trends of British Airways in respect of financial performance is described in the following paragraphs. ACTIVITY 3: Effects of Trends on Performance of British Airways 1. Turnover The turnover of the company has been on an increasing trend, but very slow growth can be observed mainly due to the overall financial depression in all over the world. Yet the company has remained successful in increasing its revenues, so there can be found an upward trend of revenues in 3 years from 2006 to 2008. This will certainly improve the performance of the company but still substantial amount of effort is required to increase the growth of revenues so that the company can generate significant revenues to cover all the expenses as well as generating handsome earnings as well to provide a positive signal to the shareholders. 2. Operating Expenses Since 2007 was a nightmare for British Airways, the company could not manage to decrease or even at least maintain the operating expenses. But, the company sharply turned the table in the year 2008 and successfully managed to reduce its expenses with a relative substantial amount. So there was not a straight trend that can be found in operating expenses as the haphazard movements can be observed in 3 years from 2006 to 2008. The company needs to take some serious steps to estimate the stable amount of expenses in future. 3. Operating Profit Because of the higher operating expenses in the year 2007, the company showed sluggish results in respect of operating profits which dropped substantially but, in the very next year the company performed marvelously well and achieved previous year’s shortfall, as well as, current year’s targets. As a result, the company could not maintain a straight trend from 2006 to 2008 because of the random operating expenses in the same period. 4. Retained Profit The retained profits of the company decreased by almost half of the amount in 2007, but as the company performed well in 2008, the recovered last year’s deficits along with increased the amount of retained profits by more than twice as compared to amount of retained profit in 2008. In short, the company was not able to reflect a positive increasing trend in terms of retained profits. 5. Total Fixed Assets In 2006, the book value of company’s fixed assets was 7,438 but it reduced sharply in 2007 to 7,099. However, the company managed to persist with 7000 figure of fixed assets in the year 2008 which is in fact, a real positive sign for the company’s financial position. Therefore, not a straight decreasing trend is observed however, it seems that the company is going to stabilize the amount of fixed assets in upcoming years. 6. Investments The investments that the company undertook in 2006 were on an increasing trend. However, very slight negative movement can be observed in 2007 but the company showed almost a doubled increase in investments figure in the year 2008. So, the company yet in another area of business, could not demonstrate any positive trend from 2006 to 2008. 7. Stocks The amount of inventories does not play a very significant role in this company’s financial performance. The company had experienced a stable trend in the amount of stocks but a fairly increasing movement can be observed in 2008 in this regard. 8. Debtors due within one year The company’s performance in respect of the amount debtors due within one year is very satisfactory as the company’s amount of debtors is on a decreasing trend in a very stable manner. It can be anticipated that the company would follow the same pattern of cash collection from debtors in the following years of operations as well. The company apparently does not need to undertake special efforts to maintain this positive trend. 9. Cash at bank and in hand In the year 2007, the company had preferred to maintain a relatively larger amount of cash at bank or in hand (because of selling more investment securities) in order to meet any irregularity because of company’s depressing performance in the same year. However, the company reduced the amount of cash in 2008 when company observed the improvement signals in its financial operations. However, the company could not manage to reflect any sort of trend in its cash based activities right from 2006 to 2008. 10. Creditors: within one year Due to sluggish and disappointing performance in 2007 as compared to preceding year, the company observed a significant increase in the amount of creditors falling due within one year. However, after achieving better results in very next year, the company managed to bring its amount of creditors back to the level of 2006. Therefore, the company on the whole remained on a specific level of creditors who are due within one year. More specific efforts are required to stabilize this trend of creditors. 11. Creditors: more than one year Surprisingly, the company performed tremendously well in reducing the amount of creditors which are falling in more than one year. In this area, the company showed exceptionally better performance. There is positive decreasing trend that the company is following in this area of business. The company should try the optimal efforts to maintain this decreasing trend in the upcoming years of operations. References Brealy, R. A, Myers, S.C, Allen, F (2008) Principles of corporate finance. 8th ed. Northwestern University: McGraw-Hill/Irwin
Saturday, December 14, 2019
An Unfor Gottable Event in My Life Free Essays
he Most Memorable Event in my Life As the title suggests, my essay is about some event which is important, exciting, memorable to me. A lot of people probably would agree with me that one of the most interesting activities in life is traveling, this is one of the thing I enjoy the best in my life. For this reason, I try to travel as much aas possible. We will write a custom essay sample on An Unfor Gottable Event in My Life or any similar topic only for you Order Now The last trip was a very long and interesting one, it was a trip to the United States of America. The first thing to be said about is the choice of the country. It wasn’t that the United States was a country of my dreams like it is for some people. There were a lot of countries which I wanted to see more than America, but I was given an opportunity to work there for some time and this is how I went overseas. I worked there and traveled as well. During this trip I had visited a lot of places, but I decided to write only about one city which impressed me the most. It is the New York. City. When I first arrived to this city I had never seen anything like that before. When you come from such a small country like Lithuania you are shocked how big the city is. It left a great impression to me, I just loved the buildings of it: new ones, old ones, small ones and especially big ones. There is so much of everything: huge and tiny shops, restaurants, cafes, night clubs, museums, galleries, etc. It seems that it would take at least few years to see everything only in one city, not mentioning the whole country. Another interesting and important thing about New York, as well as the whole United states, is a mixture of cultures. I met so many people from so many different countries. I think America is the only country which has so many cultures mixed with that of their own. This is a very interesting and at the same time strange thing to discover for someone who is not familiar with such thing. The last words which I want to say about this trip, it taught me a lot of things about life and people. In the States people are very different but one thing is common to the majority of them, it is money. Visiting this country I discovered how great the power of money is, how it changes the world, people and their lives. I guess it was the only disappointing thing about this country because the rest of it was very exciting. To conclude, I would like to say that it is quite hard to write everything on one sheet of paper as there is so much of interesting to say, but it takes a lot of space. Summing up, I could say that this trip, in some way, changed my life and outlook to the world, that is why I have chosen it on the most memorable event in my life. How to cite An Unfor Gottable Event in My Life, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
Animal Testing Should Not Be Aloud free essay sample
Have you ever looked at a product and wondered how it was made or how it got approved? Before people got involved in animal rights, most of the products being used by humans were tested on animals first. But neither did people thought that our products were killing millions of animals because they were being used on first. Animal testing should not be allowed because it’s unethical to them, it’s bad science, it is very old fashion, animals rights are being violated, and lastly, there are other ways we can test without animals. First, its unethical to sentence 100 million thinking, feeling animals to life in a laboratory cage and intentionally cause them pain, loneliness, and fear. These animals haven’t done anything to us so why torture them? The pain and suffering that experimental animals are subject to is not worth any possible benefits to humans. The American Veterinary Medical Association defines animal pain as an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience perceived as arising from a specific region of the body and associated with actual or potential tissue damage (Orlans 129). We will write a custom essay sample on Animal Testing Should Not Be Aloud or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page When animals are used for product testing or lab research, they are subjected to painful and frequently deadly experiments. According to LoneStar Research, â€Å"Two of the most commonly used toxicity tests are the Draize test and the LD50 test, both of which are infamous for the intense pain and suffering they inflect upon experimental animals. †In the Draize test, the product being tested is placed in the eyes of an animal, and then the animal is monitored for damage to the cornea and other tissues in and near the eye. This test is very painful for the animal, blindness, scarring, and death are generally the end results. â€Å"The Draize test has been criticized for being unreliable and a needless waste of animal life. The LD50 test is used to test the dosage of a substance that is necessary to cause death in fifty percent of the animal subjects within a certain amount of time†(LoneStar). Orlans says the animals suffer from vomiting, diarrhea, paralysis, convulsion, and internal bleeding. Since death is the required endpoint, dying animals are not put out of their misery by euthanasia (154). Second, its bad science. We already test new drugs on people and no matter how many animal tests are undertaken, someone will always be the first human to be tested on. Because animal tests are so unreliable, they make those human trials all the more risky. Reading an article from PETA, according to them, â€Å"The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has noted that 92 percent of all drugs that are shown to be safe and effective in animal tests fail in human trials because they don’t work or are dangerous. And of the small percentages that are approved for human use, half are relabeled because of side effects that were not identified in animal tests. †Fortunately, there are modern in vitro (test tube) and safe human-based methods available to accurately test the safety and effectiveness of a drug on the human body. In addition, its archaic. â€Å"Scientists have developed humane, modern, and effective non-animal research methods, including human-based micro-dosing, in vitro technology, human-patient simulators, and sophisticated computer modeling, which are cheaper, faster, and more accurate than animal tests†(PETA). One of the greatest trends in modern research in recent years has been the recognition that the results of animal tests are rarely relevant to humans. As well, â€Å"studies in esteemed publications such as the Journal of the American Medical Association and the British Medical Journal have repeatedly concluded that because of the fundamental biological differences among species, animal tests do not reliably predict outcomes in humans†(PETA). These same studies have also concluded that the overwhelming majority of animal experiments fail to lead to medical advances that improve the health of humans and, in fact, are often dangerously misleading. â€Å"Non-animal methods usually take less time to complete than the crude, archaic animal tests that they replace. They cost only a fraction of what animal experiments cost and are not affected by species differences that make applying test results to humans difficult or impossible†(PETA). They are effective, affordable, and humane research methods include as well as studies of human populations, volunteers, and patients. â€Å"Ninety-five percent of medical schools across the U. S. have completely replaced the use of animal laboratories in medical training with sophisticated human-patient simulators, virtual-reality systems, computer simulators, and supervised clinical experience†(PETA). Next, animals rights are violated when they are used in research. Tom Regan, a philosophy professor at North Carolina State University, states: Animals have a basic moral right to respectful treatment. . . .This inherent value is not respected when animals are reduced to being mere tools in a scientific experiment (Orlans 26). Animals and people are alike in many ways; they both feel, think, behave, and experience pain. Thus, animals should be treated with the same respect as humans. Yet animals rights are violated when they are used in research because they are not given a choice. Animals are subjected to tests that are often painful or cause permanent damage or death, and they are never given the option of not participating in the experiment. Regan further says, for example, that animal experimentation is morally wrong no matter how much humans may benefit because the animals basic right has been infringed. Risks are not morally transferable to those who do not choose to take them (Orlans 26). Animals do not willingly sacrifice themselves for the advancement of human welfare and new technology. When humans decide the fate of animals in research environments, the animals rights are taken away without any thought of their well-being or the quality of their lives. Therefore, animal experimentation should be stopped because it violates the rights of animals. Lastly, there are other ways we can test without animals. Vivisection is experimentation on a live animal. Vivisection is understood to include any type of experimentation on any type of animal, regardless of whether the animal is literally cut. Ending vivisection would not end medical progress because non-animal research would continue. There are so many medical issues that go unexplored because the lack of resources. If we took all the resources that go into animal research and redirected them towards non-animal research; we would continue to make medical progress. â€Å"The cause and cure for scurvy were discovered without using animals, with studies done on human subjects who already had scurvy. The first vaccine was invented in the 18th century without animal experimentation, when people were inoculated with cowpox in order to build up their resistance to smallpox. Penicillin was also discovered without animal research. More recently, the Heimlich maneuver was developed without vivisection and has saved countless lives†(Animalrights). In conclusion, animal testing should be eliminated because it’s unethical to them, it’s bad science, it is very old fashion, animals rights are being violated, and lastly, there are other ways we can test without animals. Humans cannot justify making life better for themselves by randomly torturing thousands of animals per year to perform lab experiments or to test products. Animals should be treated with respect and dignity, and this right to decent treatment is not upheld when animals are exploited for selfish human gain.
Friday, November 29, 2019
Makioka Sisters Essays - The Makioka Sisters, Taeko,
Makioka Sisters With life comes death, with destruction comes rebirth, and with fear often comes understanding and growth. Constant change within our environment surrounds and invades our existence--which too is ever changing, growing, digressing and evolving. Often a sad tone resounds within this acceptance of uncontrolled fluctuation. It is the sad or destructive experiences that one wishes could be controlled; and often those become more apparent then the joy and happiness that accompanies change. Throughout Tanizaki's The Makioka Sisters the essence of the novel is captured using subtlety to describe the timeless cyclical changes in nature, thus revealing and enhancing the acceptance of the unavoidable impermanence that is woven into the sister's lives and experiences. Transformations within their natural world saturate and undeniably affect the lives of the characters in this novel. Throughout the novel the sisters are constantly exposed to the beauties and destruction that the cycles of nature produce, changing and affecting their lives for brief and lengthy durations. Change in nature perpetually occurs and learning to adapt to its inconsistency is often demanded of the sisters. Tanizaki poetically uses the fluctuation of nature to delicately suggest fluctuation or transformations that occur within the characters. For example, as massive flooding consumes the Kobe-Osaka district with destruction, the Makioka's lives are consumed with upheaval; and yet, this inevitable chaos encourages realizations for Sachiko and transformations within Taeko. The most disastrous flood in the district's history, its transforming effects on the river are vividly described as, "less a river than a black, boiling sea, with the mid-summer surf at its most violent" (Tanizaki 176). Its burdens afflict the land, and all of its inhabitants, from scuttling crabs and dogs to the Makiokas, Stoltzes, and countless other families. Physically destroying homes, railroads and schools, the flood claims lives amidst clouds of dust, mud, and sand. The rain viciously reveals its overpowering capabilities. As Sachiko searches for occupying distraction from the worry that she endures concerning Taeko's safe return, she is drawn to the pictures of Taeko's performance of "Snow" from the previous month. The effects of the flood and its devastating possibilities encourage Sachiko to view both these pictures, and Taeko in a revised light. Sachiko admits her luring interest to a photographic pose of Taeko which reveals a "certain delicate winsomeness and grace[in Taeko.] ...one could see from this photograph that there was in her too something of the old Japanese maiden, something quietly engaging" (189). In the midst of chaotic torment Sachiko is able to appreciate the many aspects of who Koi-san is rather than concentrate on her sister's demise. And not without sadness, she questions whether it was only by chance that Koi-san had been captured in this light or rather that it had been an unhappy omen for the disaster that now lay lurking. For Taeko, the floods transform her spirit as fear and lack of enthusiasm take root in her heart. Her environment has instilled a previously unfelt sense of fear and respect for its reigning force. Shaken, and perhaps disenchanted with the changes around her and within her, Taeko avoids work and activity for an entire month after the torrential storm. "Taeko, usually the most active of the three, had evidently not recovered from the shock of the flood. This summer she showed little of her usual energy" (204). As the natural destruction drains her energy it also transforms her interests in Kei-boy, killing the last of her love for him. Within both of the sisters, the inevitable changes that the floods bring, seeps deeper than the surface damage; bidding and encouraging new growth and challenge within the characters hearts and minds. Yet another encounter with a severe storm, this time a Tokyo Typhoon, reveals the destruction and terror that nature can display, disrupting lives, and harshly revealing the change in direction that the Makioka's prestigious lives have taken. The worst typhoon in over ten years, winds literally shaking the house, dirt and sand forcefully flying through vacant cracks, and walls billowing seemingly ready to burst; the family must remain calm although terror chills their bones. They eventually find safety and solace next door in a sturdier home than their own. The storm not only reinforces the necessity to accept and deal with the atrocities that nature randomly brings, it also reveals the depths to which the Makioka's have fallen with their move to Tokyo. "To lose the Osaka house was to lose their very roots" (99). Change in prestige and economics has obviously affected the conditions of the home that they are now reduced to invest in. Dramatic
Monday, November 25, 2019
canada and ww1 essays
canada and ww1 essays Ypres 1915- The Ypres what the first battle Canada had ever fought in it was in the first week in April this was also the first time that poison gas was used .The Germans would release thousands of tons of chlorine gas in to the east wind and it would drift into the french trenches killing and suffercating the troops. The Somme 1916- The allied forces plan was to launch simultaneous offensives on the western ,eastern and Italian fronts. The Somme was a region for the french and the British assault. The battle had lasted several months by Christmas 800,000 men and 24,029of them where Canadian had given the lives to the battle. This was the first battle where Canada was recognized as a hard hitting force in the war. The battle of Vimy ridge - The Canadian share of the British assault was the seizure of vimy ridge. The ridge was a vital point for the Germans defense it was lined with elaborate trenches and dugouts. The Canadian commanders came up with the idea to dig tunnels in to the ridge. On Easter Monday April 9th all for divisions of the Canadian corps rushed the ridge by mid-afternoon half of the ridge was theirs and in three days it was theres. Passchendaele - On the 26th of October it began it was the muddiest battle field ever know to the troops and the most dangerous they have ever seen 20,000 men under went heavy fire. Then on October 20th Canada and two British division the Canadians began the assault on passchenaele. They gained the out skirts of the city and held it for five days in a brutal rain storm. On November 6th the reinforcements arrived four fifths of the enemy died and 16,000 of British and Canadian had died it was one of the worst battles in history. ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Cultural profile Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Cultural profile - Essay Example Social groups mostly share a number of characteristics including involving the use of a common language, sharing cultural values and also sharing norms and traditional values (Chelidze 12). The Muslim based believers are also mostly portrayed badly as well as negatively by the media systems in the society (Chelidze 10). For example, I totally support Muslim faiths, and I have experience a number of discrimination and prejudices in the society. This usually provides bad relationship and poor interaction between Muslim individuals and other people the society. Stereotypes, discrimination, as well as prejudices based on individual cultural identities and ethnicity systems, form some of the problems that the Islamic-based religious individuals are facing in the United States (Chelidze 13). According to recent religious studies and reports, racial group, ethnicity as well as religious group of an individual role play a greater role towards various social activities in their life including their marriage practices, communication practices and their perceptions about life in general (Verkuyten 357). Therefore, the main aim and purpose of this paper is to discuss various social identities and religious beliefs and values including the Caucasian ethnicity, as well as the Islamic religion. The paper will specifically deal with the social identities covering ascription as well as avowal identity systems and how it influences my social interaction with others in the society The Caucasian race is mostly found in North America, Europe, parts of Asia as well as in some regions in Africa. Historically, various historians believed that there were two races especially the Mongolians and the Caucasians. According to these anthropologists, the Caucasians were more likeable and intelligent than Mongolians especially due to their light skin and moral values (Verkuyten 355). The Caucasian group was also closely associated with individuals
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Realism, Liberalism, and the English School Research Paper
Realism, Liberalism, and the English School - Research Paper Example The Realist school makes it clear that States are to act to secure their fundamental national interest in foreign policy, and in this way are countered by the school of Liberalism in foreign policy. The Liberal school of foreign policy believes that the ideals, ideologies, and cultural principles of the nation are what the government and its ministers should also advocate through international relations. In this manner, the Liberal school critiques the moral nature of the Realist school, inferring that what is called â€Å"reality†in this interpretation is merely a projection of the self-serving interests of power and generally minority or oligarchic interests. In this manner, the ideals that are derived from moral principles can also be implemented as a goal in foreign policy through Liberalism. An example of this would be the internationalization of human rights and democratic principles through treaty accords. There is a third school of international relations that can be viewed as a synthesis of the schools of Liberalism and Realism. The English School, developed through the experience of British Empire building, advocates the pursuit of liberal principles and ideas internationally through foreign policy but doing so in a realistic manner that is not in conflict with essential national interests. The assumptions of each of the schools are found in prior judgments that are part of the system of thought or belief system that the philosophies operate through in foreign policy.... sumptions of each of the schools are found in a priori judgments that are part of the system of thought or belief system that the philosophies operate through in foreign policy. For example, the Realist school can be seen as an empirical and materialist philosophy, in that it focuses on specific gains that can be measured, planned for, and rationally studied to determine the extent of accomplishment. The Realist school projects the self-interest of the individual in a macro-framework as the State, and in this manner favors the centralization of power in one individual, as in a monarchy, dictatorship, prime minister, or president. The Realist school bases its definition of the State on the centralization of power, as this authority in military, finance, and legal statutes are assumed to be able to be mobilized upon a common policy of government in international relationships that attain concrete goals. As the Realist school is based on a type of calculation in power relations with obj ectives established in advanced and accomplished through strategic planning, it enables the development of International Relations as a formal discipline, similar to economics and law. The Liberal school generally accepts the a priori judgment of the Realists, but seeks to reform it on the principles of Humanism. In theory, where the Realists trace their lineage back to Machiavelli, Hobbes, Adam Smith, and Hume, the Liberal school looks to Rousseau as the exemplar and archetype of progressive philosophy applied in a humanistic manner for the purpose of freedom and human liberation. In this regard, while the Realist school may have no moral objection to enslave, coerce, or dominate a local population if it furthered the aims of the State as defined by those in power, the Liberal school would
Monday, November 18, 2019
Human Resource Management Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Human Resource Management - Case Study Example Part One, an overview of Tesco, provides a rationale for selecting the organisation, identifies specific features of the context within which it operates and key features of its business strategy, shows how it responds to the wider business environment, and explains the implications of the business strategy adopted for the management of people. Part Three diagnoses and critically evaluates the key elements of Tesco's HR strategy and the nature and scope of HR practice, with particular attention to the degree by which HR practice supports the organisation's business strategy and the extent to which different aspects of HR strategy are horizontally integrated. As a company that depends for its success on the quality of direct employee contact with customers through a unique and special shopping experience, Tesco like other similar companies claim that its people are its most important asset. Guided by a key core value of looking after its people so they can look after their customers, Tesco provides market-leading working conditions for its staff. However, it doesn't stop there. It also encourages suppliers to do the same: offer attractive benefits and wages, flexible work hours and leave, profit-sharing, subsidised meals, childcare vouchers, and an award-winning pension scheme, amongst other benchmarks. Achieving its business objectives would have been difficult without trust and dependence on the skills and commitment of employees who are encouraged at all levels to make their fullest possible contribution to business success. Guided by the slogan "Every little helps", Tesco delivers a unique shopping experience for customers, an objective that demands ongoing training to ensure that employees understand the right customer service objectives and strive to achieve them. Tesco was chosen for this paper because the quality of its people is recognised as a key factor for its profitability and stellar business performance, despite the bad press it gets from time to time due to the fact that despite their best efforts, it could never satisfy every
Saturday, November 16, 2019
ICT in the classroom to enhance teaching
ICT in the classroom to enhance teaching Trying to engage students in the classroom each day can be an increasing challenge but there are many ways to make the activities in the classroom worthwhile for learners and to make what they learn, matter. Learners love a challenge and giving their work meaning will motivate them to want more of it because it allows them to be the central point in the learning process. ICT can both improve and enhance both learning and teaching in an ESOL class and technology is not only a tool for use in the classroom, but is also a resource for accessing information that further enables learning to take place. New ways to integrate technology into the learning process are being created daily. In this commentary I will provide an evaluative overview on the use and effectiveness of using YouTube the video-sharing website as a teaching material to assist my learners with two of the key skills, listening and speaking. The Learners The Level 1 ESOL students are from Slovakia, India, Iraq, Somalia, Sudan and Poland. They have all completed City Guilds Level 1 Speaking and Listening Assessments and the Literacy On-line test at the end of the last semester. All the students have access to computers in the college and use Moodle in lessons on a regular basis. As a group they have expressed that they want more practice in listening and speaking English inauthentic situations to prepare for the real world and so the last few session have been focused on Work and Jobs leading to Interviews. Students have shared that when they are listening to another person speaking a foreign language, (for them, English) they try to translate it into their native language. Comprehension is more difficult when reduced forms, and the level used, and colloquial language is used. Learners need more exposure to them and an awareness of a speakers corrections and rephrasing use, ( ..ermà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ I meanà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ er..) to expand comprehensibility Scaffolding In the previous sessions I used strategies to assist learning when they were first introduced to the subject of jobs. This is to give them motivation, a context and a starting point from which they can understand new information introduced in the coming lessons. Using Scaffolding techniques can be important for all learners and not just ESOL learners or those with learning difficulties. The aim is that learners will, at the end, demonstrate comprehension independently. Some strategies used include: Activating prior knowledge on jobs, job adverts, CVs etc. (this is a top-down processing referring to utilising learners schemata. breaking tasks into easier, more manageable steps to facilitate learner achievement showing students an example of the eventual outcome facilitating student engagement and participation teaching key vocabulary terms, relating to the genre of Jobs, before reading asking questions while reading to encourage deeper investigation of concepts modelling an activity for the students before they are asked to complete the same or similar activity asking students to contribute their own experiences that relate to the subject at hand According to McKenzie (1999), the defining features of successful scaffolding include clear direction, purpose, and expectation. Results include on-task activity; better student direction; reduced uncertainty, surprise, and disappointment; increased efficiency; and palpable momentum. Scaffolding instruction is also intrinsic in Lev Vygotskys (1978) idea of the Zone of Proximal Development. The main point is to support learners to have communicative competence, the ability for language learners to use socially, contextually and culturally appropriate language in communicative contexts. Content Content that is familiar is easier to comprehend than content with unfamiliar vocabulary or for which the listener has insufficient background knowledge off. Mock interviews is a noticing exercise: paying attention to grammar as it occurs in different contexts and structures in listening material, language practice activities and spoken interactions. This is good differentiation when a one learner point out a point to another. Videos and other visual support can increase learners comprehension as long as the learner is able to interpret it correctly. They can observe facial expressions, gestures; body language and pictures tell their own story. Using the interactive Smartboard has made the whiteboard come alive and one of the latest, convenient and versatile ICT tool in use in the classroom is YouTube where you can share videos of every kind. Although you have to be aware that many education institutes have blocked YouTube due to the inappropriateness of some of the content. The students took part in mock interviews where learners videoed pairs, then watched later to discuss what went well and what did not and gave each other feedback. This is a bottom-up process where learners start with basic language and build to some complex structures. Intonation, stress and rhythm play a part in this process as well and it was important that I gave all the students opportunities to practice statements and questions using declarative forms and with rising intonation with questions. I tried to obtain dvds of real interview but had no success so turned to YouTube where I researched many clips and used ones that I felt were suitable for this group of learners. The clips from YouTube were shown at the end and finishing with a funny clip to lighten the end of the session. Some of the clips feature ESOL students in mock interviews and some were native speakers in real-life situations that give the learners a realistic foreign language experience. Conclusion There are many videos on YouTube that could potentially be used in an ESOL educational class. There are video clips from televisions program, experts discussing a specific topic, or just some home movie clips up loaded by individuals, of a place you are teaching about or may be thinking about visiting. It comprises of user-uploaded content and can mean that a lot of it is unreliable, unbiased or inappropriate for cultural and classroom use. When looking for specific themes a tutor could spend hours searching on the site but can still be a laudable learning and teaching aid. The company is based in San Bruno, California, and uses Adobe Flash Video and HTML5 [4] technology to display a wide variety of user-generated video content, including movie clips, TV clips, and music videos, as well as amateur content such as video blogging and short original videos. Most of the content on YouTube has been uploaded by individuals, although media corporations including CBS, BBC, Vevo, Hulu and other organizations offer some of their material via the site, as part of the YouTube partnership program.[5] Unregistered users may watch videos, and registered users may upload an unlimited number of videos Component The aims of this study reported in this article are to investigate factors affecting English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers use of computers in their classrooms and to find out EFL teachers perceptions of computer-assisted language learning (CALL) and ways to improve CALL practice in school settings. Participants in the study were twelve Korean in-service teachers of EFL working at secondary schools in Korea. A questionnaire and follow-up in-depth interviews were employed to collect data. The results of the study indicate that the teachers have positive and favourable attitudes toward the use of the computers. They consider computer technology as a useful teaching tool that can enhance ways of teaching by offering students a variety of language inputs and expanding students learning experiences in real and authentic contexts. It is also reported that external factors such as lack of time, insufficient computer facilities, rigid school curricula and textbooks and lack of administrative support negatively influence the implementation of CALL in the classroom. Internal factors such as teachers limited computer skills, knowledge about computers and beliefs and perceptions of CALL also seem to significantly affect teachers decisions on the use of CALL. Based on the findings of the study, implications are made for the effective implementation of CALL in EFL contexts. Article Text In recent years, the rapid evolution of information and communication technology (ICT) has made great changes in societies and education. The Internet, particularly, has become a useful tool for communication, a venue for experiencing different cultures and a mediator in diverse political, social and economical situations. Along with the impact of the Internet worldwide, the extensive use of computers at schools has had a critical influence on educational environments. The Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development (MOE HRD) in Korea, for example, has implemented several Educational Reform Plans since 1997 to meet the challenges in an era of high-technology. At the governmental level, the Education Ministry implemented The Comprehensive Plan for Education in the Information Age aimed at building the infrastructure for education between 1997 and 2000. It included ICT equipped classrooms, computer labs and digital libraries with computers connected to the Internet to provid e schools with technology-enhanced learning environments. On the basis of the plans, the Korean government has provided every school with multimedia computers, software programs and high-speed broadband Internet connections to cope with an information technology society and to integrate ICT into everyday educational practices. In terms of teaching English as a foreign language (EFL), the paradigm of English education in Korea has moved to the communicative language teaching (CLT) approach along with the Seventh Educational Reform in 1997 (Choi, 2006; Kwon, 2000). The underlying theoretical concept of CLT is communicative competence, which refers to the ability for language learners to use socially, contextually and culturally appropriate language in communicative contexts (Savignon, 1997). However, most Korean learners of EFL have difficulties to develop their communicative competence beyond the classroom mainly because they do not have a supportive learning environment where they can hear and speak English for communicative purposes (Jeong, 2006). Therefore, some special efforts are needed to help Korean students expand their language learning experiences and practice the target language outside the classroom. This need can be found in the Korean governments special emphasis on English language proficienc y and computer literacy in the spirit of globalization. English language proficiency and computer literacy are currently essential elements in the Korean society in looking for a job, obtaining promotion and entering into a school of higher education (Kwon, 2000). In these circumstances, the Internet, combined with a variety of computer-assisted language learning (CALL) programs, is on its way to restructuring the concept of the language classroom and the roles of the learner and the teacher in foreign language learning and teaching in Korea. The appropriate integration of Internet-connected computers into the language curriculum is a key issue to consider when examining the effective use of computer technologies for educational purposes in Korea. In many Japanese universities, language instructors are facing challenges associated with low academic achievement among students, mainly caused by reduced competition among students at universities. Teaching at one such university, the author has been seeking to cope with classes where students vary greatly in English ability, with those who have limited English skills and knowledge and/or have not developed basic learning habits or study skills. This article discusses how technology can help the teacher to accommodate different learning needs and get/keep students motivated. It is based on the recent classroom practice in one of the courses the author taught, where students were supposed to learn research and presentation methods by using English in conjunction with computers and the Internet. In addition to using Moodle, an open-source learning management system, other web tools including weblogs and online materials were integrated into learning activities. These activities helped students feel more comfortable using computers and the Internet, and encouraged them to look for better ways to express themselves. Also, the activities were utilized flexibly to accommodate students diverse abilities and interests, helping keep them actively engaged with the course. There are three strategies ESL/EFL teachers can follow to ensure that technology fits their needs. First, investigate new media to see if it is suitable for classroom use. Then identify how new media changes TESOL. Finally, set English Language Teaching objectives before selecting any tools of technology. Itesl (2008) engaging and motivating all learners supporting the development of problem-solving and thinking skills in an open-ended environment helping learners to make meaningful links between subjects and enabling teachers to use ICT across the curriculum encouraging children to hypothesise and discuss what might happen, aiding the development of talking and listening skills and a collaborative approach to learning suiting a range of learning styles: thereby supporting personalised learning giving children a unique means of communicating and developing their ideas. McKenzie, Jamie, (1999). Scaffolding for Success. From Now On: The Educational Journal, Vol. 9, No. 4. from http://www.fno.org/dec99/scaffold.html. Michael Morgan,The Internet TESL Journal, Vol. XIV, No. 7, July 2008. http://iteslj.org/[accessed 20 April 2011] [Accessed 20 April 2011] Valdez G, http://www.ncrel.org/sdrs/areas/issues/methods/technlgy/te600.htm[accessed 20 April 2011] Dodge, Bernie, (December 2, 1998). Schools, Skills and Scaffolding on the Web. from http://edweb.sdsu.edu/people/bdodge/scaffolding.html. [Accessed 20 April 2011] Appendix i- References Barton, D. (2007) Literacy an Introduction to the Ecology of Written Language. Blackwell Publishing: Oxford. Crystal, D. (1991) A dictionary of linguistics and phonetic., Basil Blackwell Oxford. Harmer, J. (2007) The Practice of English Language Teaching 4ed. Pearson Education Ltd: Essex. McCarthy, M. (1991)Discourse Analysis for Language Teachers. Cambridge University Press. Petty, G. (2009) Teaching Today -A Practical Guide 6ed Nelson Thornes: Cheltenham Richards, J (1990) The Language Teaching Matrix 7e, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. The Internet TESL Journal (2005) Creating ESL/EFL Lessons Based on News and Current Events http://iteslj.org/Techniques/Banville-News/[15 April 2011]
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Sleeping Arrangements :: Essays Papers
Sleeping Arrangements The autobiography I read was Sleeping Arrangements, the childhood memoirs of Laura (Lily) Shaine Cunningham. I chose this person simply because I had never heard of her before. Everybody was doing a book on celebrities, and at first I wanted to do Audrey Hepburn. I love her films; I have even already read a biography on her. But many other people were doing their biographies on her, and I realized that if I could find a book by a person who has led a typical childhood I would be different. By finding a book by a person I had never heard of I thought that I would find a normal life, but this book showed me that there isn’t a normal or typical childhood for anyone. Lily, as she is referred to throughout the book, is not famous. Lily was born the daughter of Larry Moore, though she isn’t sure of the spelling, and Rosie Shaine. Until she was three Lily and Rosie wandered from relative to relative, sleeping under dining room tables or where ever there was room for them. Then they rented an apartment in the Jewish section of the Bronx. Lily made two friends there, Diana and Susan, and they had wild unsupervised fun roaming about the parks and abandoned buildings. When Lily was 6 her mother became very ill and her Uncle Gabe comes to live with them. A couple weeks later Rosie dies in the hospital and Lily’s other uncle, Len, comes to help Gabe. They move to a bigger apartment in the same building, and let Lily decorate it. The walls are painted orange and white stripes in two rooms; pink and white stripes for another room, and for the living room a gold lamà © convertible sofa. Eventually the â€Å"unkies†mother move s in too, and then their family is complete. Over the years Lily learns about love, life, and death, although not all of it is accurate. Lily has gone on to write many books, plays, and her most famous work, A Place In The Country. The part of this book that really interested me the most was the first one and a half chapters. â€Å"He’s fighting in the war.†(Pg 1) This is what Lily told people when they asked where her father was.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Liberalism and Nationalism
In the late 18th and 19th centuries there where two ideologies that was fueling the revolutions during this time. These two ideologies are liberalism and nationalism. Liberalism is a belief in gradual social progress by changing laws, rather than by revolution. It is also sated to be the belief that people should have a lot of political and individual freedom. Nationalism is the desire for political independence of people who feel they are historically or culturally a separate group within a country.It is often associated with the belief that a particular nation is better than any other nation, and in this case is often used showing disapproval. Liberalism first became a powerful force in the Age of Enlightenment. In the 19th century liberal governments was established in many nations across Europe, Latin America, and North America. Liberal power increased further in the 20th century, when liberal democracies â€Å"triumphed†in two world wars and survived major ideological ch allenges from fascism and communism.The term nationalism was coined by Johann Gottfried Herder (nationalismus) during the late 1770s. Where Nationalism emerged from is difficult to determine, but its development is closely related to that of the modern state and the push for popular sovereignty that came to a head with the French Revolution and the American Revolution in the late 18th century. Since that time, nationalism has become one of the most significant political and social forces in history. Other forms of nationalism are revolutionary, calling for the establishment of an independent state as a homeland for an ethnic underclass.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Reasons why Germany, Italy, and Japan wanted WWII
Reasons why Germany, Italy, and Japan wanted WWII Free Online Research Papers In 1940, World War II was in full swing. Germany, Italy, and Japan had created the â€Å"Tri Parte Pact,†bonding them together as the â€Å"Axis Powers.†They waged war against the Allies, and though they shared a common bond, they all had different reasons for entering the war. Under the dictatorship of Adolph Hitler, Germany entered the war with the goals of gaining more land and power and creating, the â€Å"perfect race.†According to Nazi policy, this would mean blonde hair, blue eyes, and Aryan blood. Hitler’s plan was to disguise his preparation for war by confronting the â€Å"Internal Enemies†of Germany, which consisted of ideological enemies, moral enemies, and Jews, rebuild the economy, and achieve agreements with other nations. After acquiring both Austria and Czechoslovakia from Britain and France, who desperately did not want a repeat of bloodshed after World War I, Hitler decided he wanted Poland also. Britain and France would not give this up as easily. Hitler made a pact with the Soviet Union called the â€Å"Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact†so that he could invade Poland and eliminate the threat of an attack. He appointed Heinrich Himmler to plan the attack on Poland that would be known as â€Å"Blitzkrieg.â₠¬ Britain and France gave Hitler an ultimatum, either pull out of Poland or they would go to war. Hitler had gotten exactly what he wanted. In Italy, Mussolini had just come into power and promised the country he would improve economic conditions, so economic viability played a major part in why they wanted war. Italy needed markets for her industries and one way was to have dependent territories much like the British view of the American Colonies. Being just as greedy as Hitler, he looked up to him and liked the way he ran his dictatorship. He wanted just as much power and saw the war as a way to gain more land and thus, more power over a larger territory. He wanted to build a new Roman Empire and gain the land at Frances expense. Mussolini desperately wanted to seize territory from France in retaliation for World War One, especially the Island of Corsica and several provinces in North Italy that France had refused to relinquish after World War One. He also wanted to seize chunks of North Africa, including Egypt which was rich in resources. Mussolini also knew that if he was not with Hitler, he would be overrun by him. Japan too entered the war with the hope of gaining land and power. Because Japan was primarily a military-ruled government, the top military officials promoted imperial expansion. They were seeking to dominate and imperialize Asia because as a small island country they lacked land mass to provide necessary natural resources for competing economically with the other industrial superpowers of the time. Japan was bitter at this time because they received very little aid from the Allied countries after WWI. They decided they could claim the land they needed if they helped the Axis, and establish a vast empire. Emporer Hirohito is also claimed to have had similar racial superiority views as Hitler. Japan invaded China in 1937 after decades-long Japanese imperialist policy aiming to dominate China politically and militarily to secure its vast raw material reserves and other resources. The United States then refused to sell Japan oil unless they pulled out of China. Japan wanted to enter w ar with the United States and retaliated by bombing Pearl Harbor in hopes that if they wiped out their Pacific fleet, they would not stand a chance in war. The three major Axis powers, Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and Imperial Japan were part of a military alliance on the signing of the Tripartite Pact in September 1940, which officially founded the Axis powers. Though they had several different reasons for wanting war, they were mainly focused on gaining more land and power for themselves. They wanted to increase their recourses and make their economies more productive. They may have bonded together to enter the war, but really each thought their race was more superior to the other and would have most likely ended up fighting each other in the end. At their height, the Axis powers ruled empires that dominated large parts of Europe, Asia, Africa and the Pacific Ocean, but World War II ended with their total defeat. Work Cited http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761563737_2/World_War_II.html Research Papers on Reasons why Germany, Italy, and Japan wanted WWIIAppeasement Policy Towards the Outbreak of World War 2Assess the importance of Nationalism 1815-1850 EuropeAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaBringing Democracy to Africa19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraPETSTEL analysis of IndiaWhere Wild and West MeetQuebec and CanadaEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenDefinition of Export Quotas
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Summer Vacation essays
Summer Vacation essays When an author writes a story, the way he chooses to narrate it can affect the way a reader views it. In the book Summer Vacation by Christopher Wolfberg there is a 16 year-old boy named Jack Sosco, who narrates the story. Jack lives in Phoenix Arizona, and does not have many friends. Jack has a low self-esteem and is always finding things wrong with anything that happens. One summer Jack and his family decide to go vacation. Jack complains but his mom and dad make him go. It wasnt anywhere far just a place to get away for a little while. The fact that Jack tells the story makes me look at it in a different way. Jack was always questioning things and dint let any one mess around with him. His parents were the total opposite of Jack. His mother and father were very nice people with many friends. His mother was on the school board and his father helped out the shelter in a town near by on Friday nights and Sunday mornings. Jack kept saying through out the book that he wished that he lived alone and the way he wants to but realized in the end that he has to think about other people rather then himself. Jack told the story in a kind of negative way in that nothing was good enough for him. It made me think of things differently in the book. When he was in the car he would say all about how bad the ride was and that he wants to go home when it was a half hour drive. Also when the car had a flat tire and he had to help his dad change in on a very hot day. In another way was when one morning he woke up in the hotel room and his mom and his dad went out sight seeing with out him. Jack tried to act like he didnt care and sight seeing was stupid but in fact he was a little upset. If his mom would of told the story she would have had a better perspective of things around them, because that was the kind of person she was. It made me look at the whole book and question things that Jack did other then compl...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Prejudice and discrimination against women in american literature.The Essay
Prejudice and discrimination against women in american literature.The prejudice against women and the injustice practiced agains - Essay Example A critical observation of the sufferings and unfair treatment to women as a result of prejudices and discrimination is the focus of this paper. A brief survey of the female characters in the early American fiction can serve as a background to the picture of womanhood today in American society. Mark Twain never looked at his wife as an equal in his life. His attitude to womanhood can be traced through his female characters. Miss Watson can be taken here as an example here. She is shown in Huckleberry Finn as a lonely woman, or living with her widowed sister, a societal outcast living in the shadow of others. Her presence only makes others uncomfortable, including Huck and Jim. An unmarried woman in Twain’s days got the role of a caretaker and as she stayed at home, she was expected to take care of the sick or the elderly relatives. She must be selfless, and must devote her life for others. Twain depicts Miss Watson as a typical old maid of his time from which the prejudices and discrimination towards women in his society can easily be studied by the readers. William Faulkner, on the other hand, depicts the actual situation of a woman and creates repulsion in the readers to the prevailing prejudices and discrimination. ... In Scarlet Letter Hawthorne gives not only the dark reality of the prejudices and discriminations against woman, but also exposes the snobbishness in society regarding sexual matters. A priest seduces a woman, does not own up his role and responsibility, and, he continues to preach from the pulpit. However, Hawthorne turns his female character charged with adultery into an angel through her stern commitments and devotions. The signs of resistance and determinations to establish true womanhood are seen in his novel. All these honest intentions could not find result in twentieth century as a result of wars and depressions. Hemingway’s novels reveal such situations in which women are seen as mere objects of pleasure. Prostitution becomes rampant as the soldiers fighting on the borders were to be supplied with female flesh. How the male characters become incapable of extending emotions of love towards women is a common theme in his novels. When sex is seen synonymous with pleasure the focus becomes woman’s body and not the person. Lust replaces love. Henry Millers novels can be taken as an example of this. They carry endless images of woman as cunt, whore, and bitch. The difference between the sexual intercourses in Miller’s pages and the pages of Lawrence’s Lady Chatterley’s Lover reveal the actual differences between lust and love. By the middle of the twentieth century, after sixties to be precise, women writers came to the forefront as the custodians of true female experiences. Two women writers, Erica Jong and Tony Morison are taken here to show the changes seen in literature regarding the depiction of prejudices and discrimination towards women. In Fear of Flying Isadora becomes a writer who
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Research Methods Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Research Methods - Coursework Example Organizations have therefore continued to struggle with the challenges that impact on the performance of managers and employees, which contributes greatly to dealing with competition within the various industries. Managers and employee performance is a theory of management within organizations that takes on various perspectives and purposes with the traditional purposes being the organization having good planning systems which serve as a means of meeting up the work expectations for managers and employees. An organization should have effective ways in which they are able to monitor performance and have ways in which an organization is able to develop the capacity of employees in performance and putting in place appropriate reward systems which motivate employees, thus resulting to good performance (Baldwin, 2008). Research question My project answers and reviews the extent to which performance of employers and employees in an organization is limited by relevant factors. Aim The proje ct seeks at ascertaining the factors that limit employees and employers within an organization’s environment. Research paradigm The paper will make use of realistic research paradigm especially because of its ability to take in the aspects of positivism and constructivism. Through the realistic research paradigm, it will be possible for me to hold on the notion that real structures exist and bring in knowledge and consciousness as aspects that look at human knowledge differently. According to the realistic paradigm, social and natural science are differentiated, while social reality is reinterpreted. Use of the realistic research paradigm was chosen because of its ability to take on a wider perspective, by bringing together the assumptions of positivism paradigm and the constructivism paradigm (John, 2005). Methodology/Research strategy My project will make use of both qualitative and quantitative research methods. First-hand information method will include the use of persona l interviews and well structured questionnaires with well-organized questions, which will be administered to employers and employees within organizations in different industries. I will use secondary data sources such as books and journals that look at the limitations of employees and employers performance in organizations, through analysis of theories and previous research on performance. Literature Review Basically, organizational performance takes into account actual results of a particular organization as measured against the intended goals and expectations within a specified period of time. Performance is therefore the end result of an organization while organizational performance at large refers to the accumulated results of an organization’s work processes and activities. Organizational aspects therefore take in activities within an organization that are concerned with the activities, goals and their monitoring and adjustment, to ensure they contribute effectively towa rds an organization (Kirkpatrick, 2010). Employers and employees have been appreciated and recognized as the major aspects of organizational performance in any industry. Good managers and employees’ performance contributes to the ability of an organization to fulfill its mission and visions, which is complemented by sound management, strong governance and persistence towards the results. Employee performance also takes in perspective employee performance
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Criminology 1 question future crime Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Criminology 1 question future crime - Essay Example However, contrary to the thought that development would also make man wiser, it becomes clear that man is losing his insight of moral values. This fact is evident from the ever increasing crime rates all over the world. Man has proved to be capable of committing heinous crimes that are beyond the understanding of certain individuals. What one cannot even imagine, the other is capable of executing, this emphasizes the fact that every man is different from the other. With the advent of the computer age, criminal activity has escalated to another level. In the past, various crimes known to exist were those such as theft, homicide, human trafficking, child and women abuse, juvenile delinquency and so on. However, now with the invention of internet, computer and such other electronic devices, people have left the realm of real world. Whatever they do now, it is always encompassed within the digital world. Therefore, there emerges a whole new possibility of crimes in the modern day as well as in the future. Since the emergence of internet, various crimes have started taking toll on unaware victims and these crimes are known as cyber crime. Therefore, it can be said that future crimes will definitely be directed towards the digital world. The different types of crimes in this field are insider crime, hacking, spam, fraud, cyber terrorism, drug trafficking â€Å"telecommunications fraud, online pedophilia, high-tech espionage†etc (Hagan, 2011). Though the present data provides an insight into the trends of crime to a certain extent, â€Å"they are limited in forecasting crime†(Schafer, 2007). However, various researches and studies based on criminology as well as the modern lifestyles have led to different predictions of future crimes. It is predicted that â€Å"illegal marketing of human parts†will increase substantially, â€Å"employee computer crime†will be on the rise with
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Death at midnight by Donald A. Cabana Essay Example for Free
Death at midnight by Donald A. Cabana Essay Death at midnight is the story of Donald Cabana of his encounters while working in a prison called Parchman Penitentiary which was located in Mississippi. When cabana first landed in Parchman, the prison was somewhat ‘human’ what with inmates being subjected to tasks such as planting cotton, vegetables and slaughtering the pigs and cows for their own consumption. On leaving Parchman a year later, Cabana returns as a warden only to find that it had been altered what with the crops now lacking and a new gas chamber put in place. We can tell that cabana is against the death penalty judging from his adamancy to enter the chamber for years. Moreover, we note Cabana’s efforts to visit the men on death row. He observed that all these men had one thing in common; a disadvantaged background. In his escapades, he cultivates a special friendship with one inmate named Connie Ray Evans whose crime was murdering a convenience store clerk. They manage to form a strong bond and through this, he is able to see just how humane Connie is judging from how sorry he is for his crime. In one instance, Cabana says, â€Å"Executions strip away the veneer or life for both the warden and the prisoner. Connie Ray Evans and I transcended our environment, and the roles in which we had been cast. The two of us had somehow managed to become real people to each other. There were no more titles or social barriers behind which either of us could hide. †However, their union is cut short when Connie is randomly chosen for execution by the state of Mississippi in a tide of anti-crime fervor. (Cabana A. , 1998) According to Cabana, death penalty is not the solution to getting rid of the roots of crime. He proposes first â€Å"examining the causes and consequences of the protracted warfare that our system of justice fosters and then proceed thereof depending on whether we find it palatable or not, even in the face of bitter contrary experiences. †He is of the belief that â€Å"every human being has a spark somewhere hidden in him that will make it possible for redemption and rehabilitation. †(Cabana A. , 1998) Clearly, the aim of this book is to oppose the death penalty and to show just how irrelevant it is in rooting out criminal behavior. The theme of friendship and disillusionment is well portrayed here. Cabana tries to demonstrate this using his relationship with Connie who he feels did not deserve to be executed. The author’s style in this book is both narrative and analytical because as much as he narrates his encounters and experiences in prison, he is also quick to analyze and form an opinion regarding the justice system. References: Cabana A. D. , (1998) Death at Midnight: The Confession of an Executioner. City: UPNE
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Introduction Of Tourism Industry In Mauritius
Introduction Of Tourism Industry In Mauritius My Management Research Report is aimed at analysing the tourism sector of Mauritius and how it has been evolved over the years to attract foreign expatriates. As tourism is one of the fastest growing industry in the world, people are willing to travel to different parts of the world to experience the different culture and events which they find interesting. Thus tourism nowadays have been evolved to cater all the different masses of the public. The research report also shows the various development procedures implemented by the government to attract more tourists to the island as tourism is one the main pillar of the Mauritius economy. The report discusses the discovery of the island, its evolution process whereby Mauritius was occupied by Portuguese, Dutch, French, British and finally gained independence. The Report also discusses the transport facilities, promotional activities, cultural cuisine and festivities, Primary landmarks and attractions. It also discuses different type of tour packages available for beach holiday makers to adventurous holidays makers. It shows how the Mauritian social, economy, political, technological field has benefited by the tourism sector. Improvements that are made to convert the low-income tourist destination to one the worlds best tourist brands. Mauritius is emerging as world class business and banking sector. It is now considered as the hub for the financial transaction and known as Singapore of the West. The research shows how the tourism Industry has affected the social, technological, economics, ecology and political aspect of Mauritius. The 7Ps marketing strategies like Product, Price, Place, People, Process, Promotion, and Physical Evidence applied to improve the tourism sector. The research also analyses the factors like international competition, Recession, climatic change, perception of luxury, middle class population, demographic change, technological change, security, health aspects, that affects the tourism industry. Keywords: Maslows theory of Motivation, Marketing strategy, Infrastructure, Communication Introduction of tourism industry in Mauritius My Management Research Report is based on how Tourism Industry has supported Mauritius by elevating the progression into infrastructure and the development (economy) of the whole island. Also which should be improved more so that to give the island more potential values and worthy for the population as well as the tourists. Mauritius is known as Paradise Island by tourists and is found in the South West of Indian Ocean. Mauritius is dependent on sugar production since its independence in 1968. Mauritius economy is dependent on crucial pillars of financial services, business process outsourcing (e.g- textiles), tourism Information Technology. Mauritius is one of the best Africas massive sugar exporters to Europe, and most of its refined sugar is exported to the EU. Mauritius is a parliamentary Republic and a member of the United Nations, Southern African development Community, the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa, the African union, La Francophonie and the commonwealth. The island ranked as an upper-middle income economy, it has been ranked as the best governed country in all of Africa. It is the only African country with full democracy. The archipelago is ranked the 7th best destination in Africa. Discovery of the Island Mauritius is surrounded by beautiful blue or turquoise crystal seas and white sandy beaches. The word Paradise Island described its beauty in nature (Eco tourism parks, volcanoes, etc). The islands populace is composed of several ethnicities, including Indian, African, Chinese and French. The main spoken languages are Mauritian Creol, French and English. Asian languages also form part of the linguistic mosaic of the island. Many hotel staffs are fluent in German, Italian and Spanish. Due to others countries, Mauritius too has its own history which marked the island and also the population, with history of sailors who visited the island in the early past by Portuguese in 1507. Then continue furthermore with European.. In 1598 by Dutch who landed in Grand Port and named the island Mauritius. In 1735 arrived the French governor Mahà © de La Bourdonnais constructed some of the famous buildings which are still standing till today and are site touristic for tourists. After French came th e British. The famous bird the dodo which was extinct but still live in our memories till now. The evolution that had taken place throughout the years In the early 1970, it was an exclusive destination with only a few air carriers servicing it. To attract tourists, the government created a national airline, for increasing capacity to and from traditional markets (UK, Franceà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦) extending progressively its network so as to reach new tourist markets. In 1971, The hotel School was created to sustain growth of the Tourism and Hospitality Industry by providing skilled labour for the different functional parts of hotels, tour operators. Then, in the 1980s, the government attracted foreign hotel groups such as South African Sun International and well renowned labels such as Meridien etc to position Mauritius as an upmarket destination focusing on sea and sand. The marketing focused on opinion leaders and cinema stars who were invited to stay in Mauritius, road shows were organised by the then Mauritius Government Tourist Organisation. The liberalisation of air access in the years 2000, attracted a number of carriers so as to match increasing number of hotels and rooms. The rise in bungalows and small hotels coupled with the venue of new air carriers such as Virgin or French Corsair attracted new waves of tourists, more downmarket and with lower disposable income. In the years 2000, several green concepts such as Casela, La Vanille Crocodile Park etc. were launched for environment conscious market segment. As from 2009, with the economic recession in Europe, the traditional market, Mauritius tried to explore new emerging markets such as China. As China is a massive rich country, it can maintain Mauritius beneficial by rising its economic. On the other hand, Chinese compensate with finance erection and infrastructure proposition has been a grateful relief, even when it has been attached to the use of Chinese Labour and inputs. In 2010, even with a critical budgeting Mauritius has faced to overcome and with its big surprised the tourists have been increasing. It is a nice performance for the island even if recession has popped up. Whereas in 2011, Mauritius wishes to lift Tourism markets outside Europe. In 2012, Mauritius Tourism Sector is targeting on emerging markets and found India as a first class source market. The strategy is to penetrating the Indian market and to focus on the exploit of MICE and Wedding Segments. The Indian Travel trade to advertise and to sell Mauritius as a MICE destination. According to the Minister of Tourism Leisure Mr Michael Yeung Sik Yuen, their requirements are to set Mauritius as a high level standard of luxury and accommodation, travel, meetings and conference arrangements, host team building activities, etc. As well as promoting Mauritius as a Golf and Wellness Tourism destination. India is ranked the 6th biggest market for Mauritius and the country registered 53,955 Indian arrivals last year. Travel trade is crucial to grow up tourism to Mauritius. As the island was struggling to Economic progress and it saw improvement of the means of communication and a gradual upgrading of infrastructure. Telecommunication in Mauritius are easy to access with internet facilities to one country or to another. Nowadays, the world has been changing and the island too has been thrived for a better future for the population with the incoming of tourism. Tourist Industry has brought lot of reinforcement to the environment of the island. This help in maintenance and renovation of new infrastructure and construction of new buildings. With Tourist Industry, the island has a lot of potential activities such as construction lot of hotels around. Government has given them lot of opportunities, so with new erection of new hotels tourists can enjoy themselves with luxury spas, excursions. Mauritius has been developed due to the arrivals of tourists to the island. Towards a quality tourism in Mauritius, AHRIM (Association des Hà ´teliers et Restaurateurs de là ®le Maurice) launched in 1973 and it is a non-profitable organisation and their members have 85% hotels sector which are ready to welcome tourists every day. Perfect quality deals with good customer service, it is prior in any organisation. On the other hand, Segmentation is vital and support the selling of the destination. Segmentation is divided into 4 groups of market which are:- Demographic By selling the destination, Mauritius need to target different types of customers to their age, types of family leisure by positioning its own products on the market. Geographic Tourists will discover the beautiful green paradise by staying in harmony with nature. Psychographic Mauritius is a paradise island and with its multicultural people, tourists will have the opportunities to discover the lifestyle, cultures, different types of delicious food and as well as their values. Behavioural Tourists will have the chance to learn the typical Sà ©ga dance and also the knowledge and attitudes of the local people. Even that they can organise some special occasion such as wedding with different cultural types of wedding. Due to the splendid climate in Mauritius, tourists can enjoy their break times and honeymoon. Transports in Mauritius Tourism sector in Mauritius, Air Mauritius is a good company that aims to acquire expected demand of its customers. With Air Mauritius Fleet, travelling is more easier for the tourists. The company is the fourth largest carrier in Sub-Saharan Africa. Tourism is one of the main elements for the foreign currency, with expected revenue to rise up. Mauritius planned to expand its airport and its target is to accommodate 4 million passengers a year. Transport in Mauritius has increased and some buses have air con where can feel very comfortable. The problems that they acquired are traffics, to solve out with it can be by examples cable car or train like in the past. With too much transport around its not good for the population and the tourists because of the air pollution. The difficulties that Mauritius will face if Air Mauritius do not find a way to provide more routes it will be critical for the tourism industry. By comparing Mauritius to its other competitors, it has risen up since 2 007. Otherwise it must be on its guard as according to the rate of percentage Sri Lanka is on the path to overtake Mauritius. How to promote Mauritius? The Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority (MTPA) plays a crucial role in the island by finding solutions to advertise the island overseas as tourist destination. The objectives of (MTPA) is to acquired the goal by advising to the minister how to promote the island to the tourists by build up campaigns and participating in tourism fairs. This action will initiate the necessary to the other tourism agencies to collaborate by providing more information on the facilities, infrastructures and services available to them in Mauritius. Their duties are to do market tourism research on the trends and opportunities, so that to relevant statistical data on Mauritius. In 2010, Mauritius was awarded as Best Stand FITUR, Indian Oceans Leading Destination World Travel Award, Indian Oceans Leading Beach Destination World Travel Award and finally in 2011 was granted Worlds Leading Island Destination World Travel Award. MICE touches the heart of Mauritius Brand and marketing are two aspects of armour for Mauritius. They entertain the key of success of the tourism industry. According for (MICE) Mauritius is the Indian Oceans Leading Light. Mauritius accommodation has a great aspirational destination by offering a diverse mix of hotels with strong luxury target. In 2008, the Four Seasons Resort and Spa at Anahita and The Grand Mauritian were launched and which formed part of Starwoods Luxury Collection. In 2009, the International Mauritius Resort Balaclava fort has been established. This introduces of high portrait of luxury hotel brands. Mauritius is appealing as a high-end destination and offering genuine value for money. When comparing with the other Indian Ocean destinations, Mauritius has a tremendously superior conference offering. The islands capital which is Port Louis, boasts the extensive purpose built convention centre in the Indian Ocean the Swami Vivekanada International Convention Centre, which has hosted a number of blu e-chip companies and can accommodate 20 to 5,000 delegates. Other venues include the International Conference Centre in Grand Baie (up to 600) and the Freeport Exhibition Centre in Mer Rouge (up to 1,000). Many of Mauritius hotels also have the competence to procure for up to 800 delegates. The archipelago do not consist only of mountains, forests, beautiful sandy beaches, culture, history and hospitality but also has a vast potential due to MICE segmentation. Mauritius acquires all the secret key ingredients that are referred for the successful meetings, incentives, conferences and events. Mauritius offers a large excellent of accommodation with best-known quality and luxury hotel brands. Through the Cultural Cuisine Mauritius food is of exceptional quality with varieties of flavours and aromas inherited from different settlers through the islands history. The cuisine of Mauritius is mostly influenced by Creole, Chinese, European and Indian population. Mauritius is greatly influenced and has strong ties with the French culture, the cuisine like tuna salad, la daube, coq au vin, bouillion and the dessert are mostly popular. During the 19th century the Indian workers who had settled in Mauritius brought their own unique flavours. Mostly the cuisine from north and south India like curry, chutneys, rougaille, pickles are more popular. With the arrival of the Chinese migrants by the end of the 19th century, brought the Chinese cuisine like noodles, spring roll etc. Mostly all the hotels and restaurants throughout the island offers different cuisine like Creole, Chinese, Indian, European etc to give one of the finest exceptional platter to the tourist. Motivation of the Island The Motivation to develop the island into major strategic tourism sector was probably achieved due to the fact that there are no major industrial revolution taking place. Mauritius is primarily an agriculture based country where the migrant from different parts of the world came to settled down there. The development and successful implementation of the Tourism sector in Mauritius can be accredited with the motivational theory of Abraham H. Maslow. According to Maslow, Only the unsatisfied needs are prime source of motivations. (Maslow, 1954) Maslow suggested that there are 5 needs systems that account for most of our behaviour. They are: Survival Safety or Security Sense of Belonging Ego-status Self-actualization (Courtesy : http://www.businessballs.com/maslow.htm) Improvements made in Tourism Sector As Tourism is an important contributor to economic growth of the Mauritian Island, Internal and External factors greatly influence the success of the Tourism industry. Infrastructure Significant improvements has been made in developing the infrastructure for the Mauritian Tourism Industry. Improvements in the following sectors has been made to attract tourist from different parts of the world. Airports : The infrastructure at the airports have been upgraded to provide the tourist with hassle free and quick services. The frequency of the flights has been increased by allowing national and international airline carriers to provide the flight service from Mauritius to different parts of the world. The main Airline carrier providing the flight services to the tourist are EpyptAir, Air Mauritius, Lufthansa, South African Airways, Emirates etc The following graph shows that the arrival of the tourist has increased in the last decade. (Courtesy: http://www.tradingeconomics.com/mauritius/international-tourism-number-of-arrivals-wb-data.html) Hotels: Excellent world class Hotel experience has been provided to the tourist to experience the island paradise. Mainly all the hotels in Mauritius provide different level of luxury to cater the budget of tourist. Wide range of hotel from world class villas, six/five star hotels to cheap accommodation is being offered to the tourist depending on their budget experience. The hotels also offers different packages like honeymoon offers, targeted destination offers, early booking offers, long stay offers to attract the tourist to stay for longer period of time. According to Brown Increased length of stay in Mauritius between 1983 and 1997 coincided with an increased in visitor satisfaction levels (Brown, 1987) The occupational rates of the hotel is between 70-80% throughout the year. From the graph we can see the peak periods are from Mid December to Mid January. (Courtesy : http://www.tropicscope.com/mauritius_information/mauritius_hotels.php) According to Lockhard and Chandra, Long-haul and short-haul tourist generating markets have different length of stay. (Lockhard/Chandra, 1997) Attractions :Mauritius is primarily a holiday destination for beach-resort tourist. It possesses a wide range of natural and man-made attractions. Mauritius enjoys a sub-tropical climate with crystal clear blue beaches, tropical fauna and flora complemented by multi-ethnic population. The people of Mauritius are friendly and welcoming. The Main Landmarks are: Le Morne Cultural Landscape: UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE SITE Aapravasi Ghat: UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE SITE The Second Oldest Racing Club in the World The Third Country in the World to Introduce Golf to its Shores Since Mauritius is an island it provides excellent water sports for the adventurous tourists. As the island is famous for its idyllic blue sea water sports such as dolphin-watching, sea kayaking, deep-sea fishing, kite surfing, blue safari submarine are very popular among the tourists. Marketing Strategy Based on the demographic information provided by the Ministry of Mauritius, different marketing strategies are planned to attract the tourist to the island nation. Marketing strategies are created for the national and international tourist. For the national tourist day-trippers in the local newspapers or on radio are provided by providing special and festivities discounts to keep the national tourists interested. For tourists from outside tourism brochures, online information are provided by different web sites. Technology has been a tremendous boon to create awareness among the international tourist by providing information online. There are many sites like http://www.tourism-mauritius.mu that allow the international tourist to plan their vacation and their whole itinerary from the luxury of their homes. There are many sites that allow the tourists to customize their destination Marketing is done through conventions, promotions, experience. Effective marketing strategies play an imp ortant part to provide the repeat value for the tourist. Marketing strategy is devised based on : Product : Here the product is the island itself. Different places of interest, sports and festivities can be highlighted to attract the tourist. It is found in the survey conducted by the Mauritian Government that tourist flock to the island nation during the month of December and January as the island enjoys excellent climate during these period as well as festivities also help the tourists to flock to the place. Price : Finance plays an important role. Different package tours are devised to promote the tourism industry. According to the survey, it is known fact there is growing number of middle class tourist that come to visit the island nation. Tours that caters to tourist of all the pocket size from world class international travellers to adventurous back-packers travel to the island nation to enjoy the climatic ambience of Mauritius. Place : Mauritius is full of landmark places. Different parts has its own significance. Northern coast of island is the most developed part in the recent years. It provides good restaurants and discotheques. It contains some of charming sights like the red-roofed church that overlooks the lagoons at Cap Malheurex. The south coast of the island provides different landscape than the rest part of the island. It contains high cliffs that are battered by waves of the sea. These are created where the protective coral reefs falls away on the seabed. The east coast of the island is known as the jewel in the Mauritius crown. It is comprised of exquisite coves and emerald lagoons. It contains some of the best beaches like Belle Mare. It is an idyllic place for the holidaymaker. The west coast of the island is known for the dolphins that come to these waters to rest and breed. It is ideal place for dolphin-watching. The inlands also known as highlands consists of four major town like Quatre Bor nes, Curepipe, Rose Hill, Vacoas. Promotion : Mauritius has an excellent promotional activities devised by the private and public sector. According to the survey, the promotional budget has increased in the recent years. According to the demographic survey the main promotional activities are carried out by brochures, mails, emails, online promotions, print media advertisement, local radio announcements. For the international tourists the email and web marketing is more effective and generate a lot of interest. Recently more revenue is generated through online promotional activities as people find it easier to use technology to get connected around the world. Also, Promotional activities like special discounts, religious festivities discounts, honeymoon discounts are planned to counter the off-peak seasons to attract more inland tourist. According to the survey, internet is the main source to obtain the travel information as well as to promote the tourism sector. People : People are main pillars in the tourism sector. Tourist are like Gods, who keep the finance flow in the tourist industry. People are main source from providing the service to acknowledging the services. People form the team that provides the services involved in hotels, recreations, transportation etc, without whom the tourist industry will be crippled. People make it possible to achieve the goals set by the tourist sector. Process : Though Place, People, Price and Promotion are four main part of the marketing strategy, they are tied together to form a process. It is used to provide consistency to the strategy. The effectiveness of the process is measured by how well the marketing strategy is received by the customers. It provides an organized way on how to deal with the customers when they come in, how they are welcomed and how well they are taken care of by providing proper communication channel. Steps are taken to provide quick and effective service to the customers. It defines how the steps to be taken so the customers come again and again thus generating the goodwill for the tourism sector. Physical Evidence : It provides a way to interact with the customers directly through the means of feedback form, surveys to discuss about the requirement and the satisfactory level. It is a means to collect the information from the customers, so necessary changes or amendments can be made to suit the customers. It adds value to the tourism industry as it is entirely people centric industry, so the satisfaction of the tourist is of outmost importance. Factors affecting the Tourism As in any industry there are certain factors that keeps on changing and the organization has to make effective changes to the industry. According to marketing research Tourism industry in Mauritius will be affected by the following factors in future. Climatic change : Due to Climatic changes, the tourism sector of Mauritius can be adversly affected. Tourism is one of the major industry that brings foreign currency income to the country. Due to rising in the sea levels the coastal areas of Mauritius, where majority of hotels are located where the tourists can enjoy the aquatic entertainment can be adversely affected. To counter these problems, inland tourism entertainment should be made. International competition : Intense international competition has become a major problem for the policy makers and investors in the tourism industries. Tourism industry has developed to become a pillar of the Mauritian economy. But other countries like Seychelles, Maldives, Srilanka are catching up with the competition. As Mauritius is known as the Culture Nation, new marketing strategy and policy should be developed to promote culture as the major role in Mauritius Tourism Industry. According to Porter, The existence of competition is a necessary precondition for business strategy (Porter, 1979) Perception of Luxury : Currently Mauritius is internationally known as the world best luxury holiday destinations. With many of worlds finest hotels and luxury brands, it enjoys highest rates of returning visitors in the world. It has become established business and banking centre for the last 20 years. It is currently known as the Singapore of the West. But the perception of luxury keeps on changing with the passage of time. World is switching to ethnic and organic brand of luxury. Hence respective changes should be made in implementing and promoting it. Middle Class population : Tourism in future will be dominated by the large influx of travellers belonging to the middle class strata of the society. Hence, the infrastructure and marketing strategy should be developed to cater to the needs of these class travellers. Demographic change : Mauritius has a population of 1,250,882 (estimated July 2007). The main ethnics groups are Hindu 68%, Christian 27%, Chinese 3%, and French 2%. The languages spoken in the island nation is English and French as the official language and other languages include Hindi, Urdu, Bhojpuri, Hakka and Creole. Currently the tourists travelling to Mauritius are European, Indian and Asians. To attract more tourists, the demography of the tourist travelling to Mauritius may change due to its popularity and international competitiveness. Technological Change : Technological change can affect the tourism industry very effectively. The infrastructure changes, adding of the new communication modes, Introducing new transportation techniques; all these can effectively boost the tourism industry. Security : concerns a major impact on the tourism industry. Since Mauritius is a peaceful country, I dont think that security will be a problem. But Maybe, terror attacks, war in African regions may affect the travelling to that part of the continent. If it happens that Tourism industry will be greatly affected by it. It may lead to increase in business failures, demise of certain destinations and loss of expected growth in other destinations. Health aspects : New Epidemics have power to severely affect the travel and tourism industry. For example, SARS in South Asia and Australia, Foot and Mouth disease in UK. Since people are travelling a lot nowadays, the epidemic is not restricted to one part of the world/country, it can spread quickly and easily to different part thus affecting the tourism industry of the specific country. Recession : It plays an important role in the tourism industry. Recession or economic slow-down affects adversely to the any tourism industry and Mauritius is no exception. But in 2010, India emerged as the most dynamic source country with arrival of 50,700 tourists. The increase in arrivals was driven by strong economic growth even during global recession. Thus, Mauritius felt little impact on the tourist growth during recession period. But it is predicted that recession may affect adversely in future if proper precautions and marketing strategies are not implemented. Conclusion Tourism Industry has evolved a lot in the last two decades. It has made tremendous impact on the different levels which are:- Social : Tourism has boosted social-cultural life of people of Mauritius. It has provided employment to people. Infrastructure has been improved by building roads and providing medical facilities on the coastal regions where tourists come in large numbers. Tourism has made tremendous impact on the social life of Mauritius like Increase cost of living, Loss authenticity, Acculturation where different culture are adopted according to the changing needs. Technological : Technology has provided a provided a major boost to the tourism industry. Tourist are nowadays always connected to their home base due to technological advancement like internet, Wi-Fi, mobile communication. It has helped the industry to gain recognition world-wide, thereby improving the communication across the world. Technology has made Mauritius one of top Brands in the Tourism Industry. Economic : The Mauritian economy rests on four main pillars : tourism, sugar, textiles and the services sector. It has boosted the GDP growth which is essential for the community development and poverty reduction, employments for the locals, investment opportunities, business opportunities. According to BBC World New Mauritius is declared as the top 21st country Brands. Ecological : Tourism and environment are interrelate as tourism is dependent on the natural resources to survive. Tourism has provided both the positive and negative impact on the ecology of the island nation. The areas affected by the tourism are Biodiversity, Erosion and Physical damage, Pollution (Water Pollution, Air Pollution, Visual Pollution, Climatic Change), Resource base that consists of local building-material sources, Visual and structural change. Political : The tourism sector is supervised by the Ministry of Tourism and Leisure. The Government has formed the Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority (MTPA) which is responsible for promoting Mauritius by conducting advertising campaign and tourism fairs in Mauritius and abroad. With the help of MTL and MTPA, Mauritius has gained world recognition as the most attractive holiday destinations. The Government of Mauritius form innovative ideas to promote the island to the world stage. According to R. L. Stevenson , For my part, I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travels sake. The great affair is to move. (Robert Louis Stevenson, 1879)
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